omgsh ur right... its always been one additional.. maybe they decided to fuck us over this yr cos its last year of journeys?
But then... that means there is a decent possibility that they will make us write 2 related for mods A and C this yr.. if they do im not guna have time :eek:
Yeah well i don't want a surprise in the if it says 2 additional u cant just write one they'll pwn ur marks xD
But yeh i hav a feeling they'll be like 1 each for both mods A and C ... cos its true... 2 is fukn heaps. My mod A with one related is already 38min written :uhoh...
Hey so, i was looking at the past trends in hsc questions and i'm tryna guess like what kinds of questions they'll ask us on monday.
For Dialogue they've been asking for 1 related text since 2002 and it's been an essay. So i'm ASSUMING that they won't make a jump and tell us to do 2 related...
yep i agree.. at the same time a lot of kids who arent naturally smart are liek studying their hearts out and still not getting the marks that these 'naturally smart' kids are getting.