lol, well that was a waste of a semester. I agree akiva that was a VERY tough and long exam! I had so man blanks it isn't funny. Luckily i'm sitting on 42/60 so I should be able to get 8% from 120marks lol
Was your final also on the options/futures part of the course taught by Geoff Loudon? Cause the active vs passive stuff was in Ryle Perra's section which we got tested on in the mid-sem.
Re: MQ General chatter and timetables thread (+ Conception Day!)
Can I get a ticket on the day?
No. Ticket sales end at Midday Thursday 17 September 2009 or until sold out. For a full list of ticket sale location please go to Conception day
Can you imagine if everyone was begging for marks? Sine your mark was on borderline between P and Cr I'm sure they would've tried to give you the extra marks by looking at your class tests, quizzes and assignments along with the final mark.
Like robbo said study hard for 357 to get your exemption.
Yes, that's what exam script means.
If you're an EFS student you can book via
Appeals Against Final Grades and Exam Script Viewing - Faculty of Business and Economics - Macquarie University
Then click on Exam script viewing bookings open
If your subject isn't on there, best to call ERIC.
It's too complex to calculate yourself, leave it to the uni
You can call BESS tomorrow and ask them about exam script viewing.
Then hope that there was some error in the marking of your exam, else you'll have to take the 49.
Re: Results Discusssion - Results so far and predictions
just use this link
hope it'll refresh at 12
Re: Results Discusssion - Results so far and predictions
oh dear :(
So it's only eStudent this time? No alternate website that opens up days before lol
OMFG don't do ACST300 it's is the worst subject ever!
There is soooo much reading, i'm taking ~100pages per week. Now that would be OK if it was interesting reading but it is not! It's just about regulation and APRA's standards and so on...
Also the whole actuarial students struggling in...