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  1. K

    Into The World Related Texts

    Hi, Im really stuck with english I do Standard Yr 12 english and need two related texts for the topic INTO THE WORLD any ideas would be great :)
  2. K

    Sparta's Fall

    thankyou so much they are some realy good points i can expand on :lol:
  3. K

    Sparta's Fall

    hi i was just wondering if anyone had any good notes or specific answers on Why did Sparta fall? :)
  4. K

    Struggling with Pompeii?

    "Secrets of Vesuvius" by Kate Cameron and Jennifer Lawless has good summary of all the information
  5. K

    Improving Solvency and Net Profit Ratio?

    the 1:33:1 ratio is the debt to equity ratio which gives you the solvency of the business so its for every $1 of owners equity there is $1.33 of debt meaning the business is insolvent i have to suggest ways to improve the solvency
  6. K

    Improving Solvency and Net Profit Ratio?

    I need to know how to improve the Solvency of a business if it is 1.33:1 and also suggestions on how to improve a net profit ratio of 7%