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  1. paperplanes

    Do you have a locker at your school

    This. Also, if I leave my books in my locker, I always forget to go there when school finishes so I can take them home to study.... I gave up on using my locker ages ago, I just lug all my books around in my bag now :p
  2. paperplanes


    Well done! :)
  3. paperplanes

    Study Discussion

    Re: Thoughts on recording notes? I've tried it before, and would personally only use it in combination with studying from hard copy notes/textbooks also. Oh, and if you do choose to record notes, keep them short and to the point - if the track is too long and rambly, you'll stop paying full...
  4. paperplanes

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    ... wtf?! That's ridiculous. :(
  5. paperplanes

    Do you write notes? (poll included)

    If the school notes and CSU notes cover each point of the syllabus, then it should be fine.
  6. paperplanes

    Study Discussion

    Re: Mindmaps for everything?? Each to their own. I personally can't stand mind maps, and find it impossible to study from them.
  7. paperplanes

    What YOU put into YOUR HSC

    That's how I did my five hours :haha:
  8. paperplanes

    What YOU put into YOUR HSC

    'that is INSANE. what school do you attend?' Sydney Girls. And I couldn't agree more... who actually studies in year 8?!
  9. paperplanes

    What YOU put into YOUR HSC

    'yeah i meant the 5+ hrs a night recommendation - totally unnecessary as people work at different levels and capacities. You can't just apply a quantitative figure of success to everyone and expect it to be universal.' 5 hours a night is what's recommended for year eights at my school. No one...
  10. paperplanes

    Which peanut butter variety do you prefer?

    Crunchy ftw.
  11. paperplanes

    twilight series

    Urgh. Agreed. Meyer's writing style is awful.
  12. paperplanes

    What is your motivation to study?

    Yep, same here - everytime I go to procrastinate study, I remind myself that it actually matters this year :p
  13. paperplanes

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: Future Plans: What UAI/course/job are you aiming for? aiming for Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) at usyd... 98.45...
  14. paperplanes

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    Re: Year 12 Jerseys Haha this is exactly what I was worried about - I had a nickname based on an in-joke I was going to put on the back of my jersey, but realised it probably wouldn't be funny next year (or after a few weeks, really...), so I went with the old standby of my surname.
  15. paperplanes

    09ers I have a question for you.

    I'll probably use the holidays for a fair bit of study - may as well get ahead.