afl draft system(kids being taken out of their home environment ie friends and family and moving to a city/team that they have no childhood aspirations to play for)
is not as good as
nrl system (teams developing their own junior teams, having local kids play for the team...initially until they...
hmm they do have a formula where they can weight your final mark 50-50 or 40-60 (quizzes to exam), whichever is higher.
i did 4 unit - which ive found is good for background knowledge, but not really compensating for my laziness.
lol ive heard quite a bit of scorn about the easyness of 1205, but i dont mind, im acing all the assessments so its all good lol.
and thanks, i might if i have any questions. luckily they take your best 3 in class quizzes out of 4 so im not really caring.
from wiki:
A cult film (also known as a cult movie/picture or a cult classic) is a film that has acquired a highly devoted but specific group of fans.[1] Often, cult movies have failed to achieve fame outside of the small fanbases; however, there have been exceptions that have managed to gain...
Re: Cult Classics?
really good books there, but id say some of them such as the catcher in the rye are too high selling and ingrained in mainstream culture to be considered 'cult' classics. depends on the definition i guess.
this doesnt sound right...
i definitely saw something in the news a while ago that engineering is one of the most prospective/high average salaries/high employment rate careers in australia. it was ranked up there with medicine and dentistry graduates, i think maybe 3rd behind those in terms of...
taxi driver
full metal jacket
dr strangelove
barton fink, however if i could think of some more movies off the top of my head barton fink would maybe be pushed out of the top 10