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  1. LtPhoenix

    Easiest LEVEL 2+ courses.

    Hahaha, thanks for the advice. I actually am in my final year. I finished my HSC in 2011. Hmmmm ECON2101.... wasn't keen on ECON1101 when I had to do it; and I smashed economics in high school. LOL.
  2. LtPhoenix

    Easiest LEVEL 2+ courses.

    A free elective is by definition ANY course from ANY faculty (excluding GENSXXXX). As part of my degree I need to choose a level 2+ free elective. I don't mind whichever faculty its from as long as its deadset easy (WAM booster). To give you an example of this I'm looking at courses like...
  3. LtPhoenix

    Easiest LEVEL 2+ courses.

    Yeah nah. Digital Circuitry Design seems out of my league, and doesn't exactly look like an easy WAM booster LOL. Need something easy as I'm gonna be overloading next semester.
  4. LtPhoenix

    Easiest LEVEL 2+ courses.

    As title suggests. What are the easiest LEVEL2+ courses at newsouth?
  5. LtPhoenix


    Bloody hell! AUD up like crazy this morning, aswell as european sovereign debt solution = more stuff to remember and write about in economics essay....
  6. LtPhoenix

    Multiple Choice Answers 2011 Business Studies

    If you did economics then you would know that protectionist policies in the form of quotas, tariffs, technical discrimination, leads to an inefficient allocation of resources. Protectionism is used to protect infant industries, and also used by countries whom wish to stay self-sufficient in...
  7. LtPhoenix

    Business Studies! HELP !

    the business is selling directly so its not industrial or resource since it doesnt specifically market the jewellery to males or females it is not niche leaving consumer as the only answer its a stupid question
  8. LtPhoenix

    Leunig’s cartoon “More to Life”

    Nope thanks anyways, brief description is: Leunig’s satirical cartoon “More to Life” a tearful angel stands on top of a dilapidated shed looks don on a tearful Leunig everyman
  9. LtPhoenix

    Leunig’s cartoon “More to Life”

    Would anyone have a copy of this cartoon? I plan to use it for an essay that I am in the process of writting, if anyone has it could they please share? thanks.
  10. LtPhoenix

    free laptops?

    I'm pretty sure we wont be getting laptops anytime soon, from what I got told, they will give them to the Year 9 classes, each year and as it carries on in 3 years Year 9-12 will have laptops.
  11. LtPhoenix

    Website Building.

    Get a CMS and then change the modules to your liking. Start out with joomla! then apply themes etc.
  12. LtPhoenix

    Gaming & Technology Magazines

    If you want to read the latest and greatest try reeding RSS feeds.
  13. LtPhoenix

    Starting 3 Unit Maths this Year? Like to find some friends to study with? Post Up

    I'll join, my school is currently using jones and couchman, but i also use cambridge myself.
  14. LtPhoenix

    WTF does RAID mean?

    You see the problem with RAID 0, is if 1 drive dies your screwed. But you might see SLIGHT speed increases. There are a lot of different types of mirroring solutions e.g: Raid 0, 0+1, 1, 5, Jbod, software RAIDS etc
  15. LtPhoenix

    Mi Goreng

  16. LtPhoenix

    Attention: Year 11's and 12's

    Cambridge 3U FTW, cost quite a bit though. If your just starting off in subjects and have no clue at what your doing then go for excel. Also where do you get the dot point series? Remember about the 50% off discount ladies & gents. Press Release - Keep Your Receipts!! Education Tax...
  17. LtPhoenix

    Work Experience

    all schools have compulsory work experience, except for SBHS i think
  18. LtPhoenix

    Science MC- Astronomy question

    apparently, my science teacher says its the ozone one.
  19. LtPhoenix

    Results back but no Papers?

    They eat them.
  20. LtPhoenix

    wat 2 get a band 6

    How can you write your name and get 50%, these days SC, they write your name out for you. (just incase i suppose)