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  1. R

    Game Name Game

    Saints Row 2
  2. R


    Oh, right. :haha:
  3. R


    I'm confused... Wouldn't the answer 0.5ln(1+e^{2x}) also work?
  4. R


    Out of curiosity, say person A 2/100 in a particular course with raw 90. And person B comes 1st with raw 95. Now I know that B will definately get the top external mark as their internal. Then is their any point of the large gap between 1st and 2nd position? Or would the school drag student B's...
  5. R

    UMAT Scoring?

    How does the UMAT scoring and percentile work? All I know is that each section is given a mark out of 100, then combined to give a mark out of 300. This is then given percentile comared to others, similar to the actual UAI. Am I right? If so, how come only 180/300 is deemed as a high mark...
  6. R

    How did you go in your half yearlies?

    The majority of people who post up their results here are ones who have done well. Everyone else is just too ashamed to do so.
  7. R

    How to get best UAI?

    :haha::haha::haha: You really don't need to study for that!
  8. R

    What do men care about more out of these two?

    I hope you don't mind me asking, but what inspired you to ask this question, and what do you aim to achieve through an answer?
  9. R

    The "I didn't go well in my half yearlies" Thread

    Re: 回复: Re: The "I didn't go well in my half yearlies" Thread I feel so sorry for you man. You should go kill yourself. Life is not worth living when you screw up like that. :mad1: BTW, what's your school rank?
  10. R

    What do men care about more out of these two?

    I do hope that our answer to your question will help you succeed in life. :)
  11. R

    UAI Estimate please!!

    Too early to predict hsc scores. But if say you get around about those, then you'll be looking at approx. 88ish.
  12. R

    Trig identitiy simplification

    Re: 回复: Trig identitiy simplification I was right, but simply to prove shuning's first answer. However, it was only after that I discovered that you could simplify it further . :) Ahh, too quick with the mouse, lol.
  13. R

    Trig identitiy simplification

    Re: 回复: Trig identitiy simplification .
  14. R

    Math trick

    OK but not that great.
  15. R


    This belongs to someone named Charlie Fish. I don't require any feedback regarding mark, since this is not my story. However I personally enjoyed it very much and felt like sharing it. Feel free to discuss. --- Death By Scrabble It's a hot day and I hate my wife. We're...
  16. R

    Is 99.5+ an unrealistic aim for me?

    99.5+ is a realistic goal for you. I fact, it's a realistic goal for anyone, if they try. You have shown willingness to try, therefore by continuing your dedication, there's no reason why you can't get 99.5+.
  17. R

    Predict my UAI

    By the looks of it, you probably wont get your 97+ that you're aiming for, I'm afraid. But if you can get math+eng in top 30, bio in top 10, then you may have a chance.
  18. R


    OMFG, you have already advertised two times! Seriously, if people want to buy your notes, they will, just stop cramming threads with advertisements that offer no such help to the OP. IMO I don't see why people sell their notes, or why idiots actually buy them, its basically the same as a...