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  1. T


    for me the 08 paper was just every every single dotpoint i DIDNT have time to study fully and just skim read over along with the rest before the exam.
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    i did exacaly the same thing, then i looked at what pt was realised it was platinum and realised it was inert... i wish we had the 2007 paper instead i would have done so much better
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    discovery of elements

    We don't need to know who discovered them, just what they are and how they are produced.
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    Music 1 Aural

    I didnt hear any other instruments, and after the title of the song it is said "performed by.." and only gave two names, maybe it was just the piano accordian you were hearing?
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    chem dotpoint investigations

    the book is good, and will save you alot of time when it comes to the weeks leading up to the hsc (especially if you have been abit slack with your prac reports) but i suggest bringing it into class whenever you have a prac so you can fill out the materials/method etc, although before you buy...
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    the value of k is not effected by changes in pressure or concentration because changes in pressure and/or concentration only change the position of the equilibrium. an increase or decrease in temp effects the amount of heat produced
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    red cabbage indicator experiment

    our classes results were as follows Acid: pink (although a few looked more red than pink) Base: green turning yellow Neutral: purple. the dotpoint hsc chem book states that the colours are meant to be acid: pink base:green Neutral: purple and the macquarie hsc chem book states...
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    Equilibrium Reactions - Help yeah?

    increasing the temperature would yes shift the equilibrium to the left (favouring the reactants) but it also increases the rate of reaction. at normal temp and pressure the haber process does not yeild much ammonia, hence the the temp is increased. an INCREASE in PRESSURE cause the equilibruim...
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    studying Pompeii for the HSC

    Go onto the board of studies website and click on past papers, then have a look at the markers comments and it tells you what areas you would benefit from studying.