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  1. L

    solve please!

  2. L

    solve please!

    well we know that -1s.d. --> +1s.d is 68% so from the mean to +1s.d. is 34% so it will be 50% (up to the mean) plus 34% hope that explains it for you.... :)
  3. L

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2 (Modules)

    the hamlet question: through its portrayal of human experience, shakespeares hamlet reinforces the significance of loyalty. to what extent does your interpretation of hamlet support this view? in your response, make detailed reference to the play.we got to keep our booklets. did noone else?
  4. L

    Macq U Speech to Syd Speech Pathology

    Hi, this isn't about your question but would you mind giving me some of your thoughts.. Is the maquarie course any good? What do you like/not like about it? thanks!
  5. L

    Bluescope Steel Cadetship

    my boyfriend got an interview that day too!
  6. L

    Shortest HSC timetable

    i finish 30th Oct with no double exams and exactly one day between each!
  7. L

    UAI calculator??

    what is the most accurate website for uai calculator?:wave: