Search results

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    Weet Bix - How many do you eat

    how many do you eat for breakfast?? :D
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    Weet Bix... how do you eat them?

    ok this may sound disgusting but i put butter and vegemite on top of my weet bix and then add milk it is really nice.
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    Business Studies

    do you have to have studied commerce in year 9 and 10 in order to study business studies in year 11 and 12?:confused:
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    How much pressure do your parents put on you?

    meh my parents only pressure me if they know i am not doing my best if i am. then they dont care
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    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    being single is cool but maybe you shouldnt have your standards to high imperfection is what makes perfection. and one day you will find that girl that will make you so happy and you can be happy that you waited for her.
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    do you think pandora charms etc. are over rated?
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    Getting A Job

    i know that if you go to little cafes or little business you will find a lot of work and they will mostly finish early and pay well due to the fact that it is not a large company etc
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    Natural talent or just a lot of hard work put in?

    my sister received a uai of 98 and she worked her ass off she studied day and night.
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    top three favorite website

    hey can you tell me what your top three favorite websites are. thanks =]:wave:
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    Pamela Anderson on BB

    i was to gutted about brigette leaving to care about pamela anderson coming into the house.
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    Myspace and facebook

    not sure i put this in the tight thread. but do you think myspace and facebook have taken over are lives. and what do you think is better thanks =]
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    business studies

    what do you learn in business studies. i am thinking of taking it next year but not sure what it involves. thanks =]
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    best way to break up

    what is the best way to break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend!
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    Good Movies

    What are some good movies to watch on a rainy day?
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    Big Brother 2008

    What do you think of this years big brother? and what do you think of the new hosts?:)
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    Weight Of Your School Bag.

    my bag ranges from 7-12kg which is really bad for your backs =]