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  1. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    Yes. I admit I was a little carried away when I mentioned the kissing thing to her. I saw her hugging a boy not too long ago and asked her if he was her boyfriend, and she said something like, "I'm sorry, but that is no concern of yours whether I'm in a relationship or not. I told you I don't...
  2. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    I don't think option 2 would work- she has never seen me in a romantic way. I think 3 is the best option, as you say. My friend told me something- He doesn't think she really wants to be friends with me because she finds things too awkward, after me 'pushing it'. I know I should forget her but...
  3. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    Thankyou for your advice. This is what everyone seems to be telling me, so I'll try it.
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    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    I am fairly muscular.. To me she seems like the only one in30 billion people. But like Shoubadoo said, perhaps I should stop talking back now, you all know how I feel about her. Like you said, Lyounamou, there are girls I will later fall in love with- I suppose I need time. But I will never...
  5. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    She was overseas on exchange and I thought about her everyday. But ok, I seem to be getting advice of either 'leave it alone' or 'put crack in chocolate and give it to her', the latter being not my style.
  6. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    Haha, well I do hope you're joking. I would never do that to her. I don't think she smokes or takes drugs. I know that for a fact. But she drinks. But I told her I accept now whatever she does, because I'll love her no matter what . And I'm not always 'in her face' or whatever. I haven't...
  7. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    All love is part-hormonal- or those who loved one another would never make love. But I think I see what you mean. It sounds like you've certainly finished highschool. But yet, this isn't true love then. Although when I try and explain it to my friends I feel they are blind. But I think it can...
  8. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    I suppose you're right, Charizard, in the fact that I should save you all the trouble- I see now it was just an emotional post, and I was hoping someone would tell me there would be hope for me to have this girl love me, but there seems to be none. So I won't go on about that, and leave it be...
  9. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    If you are referring to my English, I would like to mention I was brought up with Japanese parents, and English was my second language when I was a child. I know I make mistakes but I am doing well in my Four Unit English class, so please don't judge a book by its cover. If you weren't talking...
  10. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    Well whatever trolling is, I'd rather be it than a pathetic loser. But I don't care what you call me. Thankyou to those who wrote me advice. I have one question for RogueAcademic: What is true love then, for I if I could feel for anyone more than how I feel for this lady, I think I would be...
  11. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    What is 'trolling'?
  12. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    I did aske her out, though. The first time she found out I had feelings for her was when I asked her out, three years ago. She said she wasn't interested. From then till now I've been making her rings and buying her gifts etc, and asking her to spend time with me. I do get awkward around her...
  13. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    Yes, really :] Do you speak Japanese? I only know a little, despite having Japanese parents. :o Maybe...or maybe I'll be with her by then.... :) One can never stop dreaming. And I beg to differ from the 'highschool crush' theme. I have loved her three years, I don't think you would call that a...
  14. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    Yes :] I have a Japanse heritage, and parents. But I honestly didn't know how to write it in English. I feel rather sheepish now.
  15. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    Well that one girl I'm thinking of is one who most people would classify as a 'babe', so I don't think you'd be convincing me to like her, more like you going out with her. All in joke, of course. I know personality rules over looks, in which case, you wouldn't like this person I'm thinking of...
  16. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    Thankyou for replying. I don't know if I can. There is not a day goes by where I don't think of her. I don't know what I'll do come the end of the year when I won't see her again... Perhaps I'll have to let it go. But I feel she is the only one. Thankyou for your advice.
  17. M

    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    Hello, If anyone could give me some advice, it would be much appreciated. I am in love. Although I have never kissed a girl, yes, I am not ashamed to say it, I know I am in love. There is one girl who is very special to me. She is in my grade at school (year 12) and I have had feelings for her...