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  1. S

    ADF Gap Year

    ^ Kapooka date has been changed to February 16th. Anyone else going on this date????
  2. S

    ADF Gap Year

    I finally got in. Someone pulled out so im going to Kapooka as ECN 500 (Soldier) on January 26th. Awesome :headbang:
  3. S

    ADF Gap Year

    Yeh mate thanks for the reply, ive been waiting for a month since positive blood tests, i gave em a call yesterday and left a message on the answering machine, i think its only common courtesy they get into contact with me and tell me whether or not i made it.
  4. S

    ADF Gap Year

    sam2100 how long did you have to wait for the letter after recieving your blood results (after assesment day)?
  5. S

    ADF Gap Year

    Argh, im pissed off seeing all these succesful applicants on here:burn: lol Ive had my assesment day after applying for a position with 1 place left, been waiting for a response from them for 3 weeks. Do you think i should call them up and see whatsup? or will they tell me if im rejected or not?
  6. S

    ADF Gap Year

    Still awaiting an offer on the GAP year. Has anyone been told they didd'nt get in or do they just ignore people that have applied?? (ive had assesment day and the whole works)
  7. S

    ADF Gap Year

    i think i have to wait for a letter of offer, because i meet all their requirements, if you dont make it in, do they even bother telling you??
  8. S

    ADF Gap Year

    did they tell you whether u got the job or not in the phonecall regarding the bloodtest?? @ Mattkraeh
  9. S

    ADF Gap Year

    dude... i think its a given that it is indeed akward. even more akward when the doc tries to crack a joke while touching your privates Also, did anyone receive a letter after their assessment day and blood test saying that you need to call the ADF and discuss the blood test results??
  10. S

    ADF Gap Year

    lol dude, its not that hard, did you bother prepare like 2 weeks beforehand? its just to keep obese cunts out of the army.
  11. S

    ADF Gap Year

    No, its a one-on-one examination its pretty full on, dont be suprised when he tells you to drop your dacks ;) he'll check your back, sack and crack (like mentioned before) and tons of other shit like weight, Blood pressure.. Dont worry, you cant prepare for it just be as relaxed as possible...
  12. S

    ADF Gap Year

    Man that sucks, i seriously cant see myself at uni in 2009. If i dont get in, i seriously wont know what to do with myself.
  13. S

    ADF Gap Year

    ^ Lets fucking hope so, Did you end up getting in? Cheers
  14. S

    ADF Gap Year

    Man, are you shitting me?? i have an assesment day coming up for ARMY
  15. S

    ADF Gap Year

    ^ did they tell you on your assesment day? I have an assesment day coming up for soldier, so its confusing if theres no positions left :(
  16. S

    ADF Gap Year

    what does a typical day in the army start - finish go by? (after IET and recruit training) do they have to wake up really early?
  17. S

    ADF Gap Year

    lol wait up - was your nuse a guy? how much time do you get off in the gap year apart from weekends?
  18. S

    ADF Gap Year

    haha shouldnt be a problem then.
  19. S

    ADF Gap Year

    Thanks gravstar for that link Im a bit concerned about my Gap year assesment day, it says that that dude experienced the nurse like fully checkin out his package and foreskin etc. Did anyone else have this experience for their assesment days? What exactly happened in your medical grav? Cheers
  20. S

    ADF Gap Year

    Im still waiting on an assesment day date for around a month and a bit. Is it possible for them to reject me? I have no health/legal/academic complications, did well in the aptitude, not colourblind.. yet no reply on assesment day..