Search results

  1. T

    B. Business Administration at ANU, is this a good course?

    I know ANU is one of, if not Australia's Top University and the course outline for Business Administration sounds very interesting and appealing to me. I want to major in Marketing and pursue a career in Brand Management. However, I know that ANU is a very researched based university and I'm...
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    I want to do marketing :)

    It's obvious my first language isn't English? wtf? It most certainly is. (I'm curious to where that idea came from) Is it not better to undertake something such as a Bachelor of Commerce at MQ and major in Marketing or perhaps the Business course at UTS? I think my UAI could possibly get me...
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    I want to do marketing :)

    Recent events in my life and my current job in the UK and a couple of good self tests that I have done have made me decided to give Marketing a go at uni next year. I currently hold a place for next year at UNSW doing a B Media degree. I have a UAI of 87 (from memory). I want to move to Sydney...
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    What would you call this?

    Hey all. Im on my gap year, doing what you do on gap years, and that is thinking a lot. I was accepted into a comms and journalism at UNSW but it was essentially a default choice because i didnt know. Now, have you seen the movie 'What women want' with mel gibson? His job in that movie, in...
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    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    I WON MYSPACE CRASH YOUR FORMAL. you should enter next year's one...its soo fucking fun! :D
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    Question about UNI's

    ahhh... decisions....
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    Question about UNI's

    Then perhaps someone could clarify what a communication degrees purpose is then.
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    Question about UNI's

    Yes, and other things. You see I'm very undecided about an actual career path. I like making films but I'm also broadly interested in the whole P.R/Marketing/Advertising thing. Many of the Communication degrees seem to combine both these areas.
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    Question about UNI's

    ...i don't get it.
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    Question about UNI's

    Hii All I'm not sure exactly what I want to do at uni, BUT I'm in love with the Bach of Communication course at Newcastle. The bach of media (journalisum and comms) at UNSW and the Bach of Communication at UQ seem to have much less a practicle element in the course. is this the case? What...
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    Who is expecting to get spanked by chem?

    There will DEF be both those questions im betting
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    General Thoughts - Software Design and Development

    well. I thought that it was pretty good paper. Hated the fact it was in the afternoon, wanted to go to sleep!! I think some of the questions were a bit funny, in that they were very open that was a bit confusing sometimes. The elective developers view of hardware or wateva was easier than...
  13. T

    How many booklets did you use?

    well im a retard. hit the wrong one in the poll. ment to click three but hit less that three without reading. :-)