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  1. A

    Quick question about ANU

    wow....i jst found a site...that said its around $18,500 a year o.O thats comparatively high as opposed to melbourne uni commerce which is around $8,000. are those stats correct ? :S
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    Quick question about ANU

    lol yeah, in victoria we have the same thing...its called VTAC tho. I jst wasn't sure whether it was the same in canberra. I think i read something about UAC and UAI somewhere...wasn't sure what they meant. I think ur UAC means our VTAC & ur UAI means our ENTER. haha...took me ages to...
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    Questions from interested 08ers.

    arts/commerce or commerce/economics ?
  4. A

    Questions from interested 08ers.

    hi, jst wondering... are there a lot of aussies/curries/asians/other there ? or is it kinda evened out? thanks :D
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    Quick question about ANU

    ohh yeah.... do you know when the closing dates are for applying ? or am i too late already ? :S my friend said my careers teacher told us to apply for interstate courses back in august. but i never thought about ANU until ahhh!
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    Quick question about ANU

    ahhhhhh serious ? o_O thanks for the heads up. lololol i might reconsider ..
  7. A

    Quick question about ANU

    hard to get out of economics ? lolol what do you mean by that ? you really enjoy it ? thinking maybe commerce/economics now...since the ENTER is still 75. Thankyou as well! you both are really helpful :D
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    Quick question about ANU

    ooh okay, thanks heaps :)
  9. A

    Quick question about ANU

    Hi Im from Victoria...would I only need an ENTER score of 75 to get into Commerce in ANU? I dont know if im reading it correctly...because I googled ANU and it said it was Australia's top university? But to ENTER of 75 seems a bit low... Im not sorry if im being...