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  1. J

    ADF Gap Year

    i have decided to go to uni next yr.. but apply for gap year as soon as more positions open up next yr... then just defer uni again lol
  2. J

    ADF Gap Year

    well i got told its full.... so now i gotta go to uni next yr :-(
  3. J

    ADF Gap Year

    im guessing if u already have an assessment day then they have a spot for u.... but if u dont have one then they are full
  4. J

    ADF Gap Year

    they said that gap year filled up... and then asked me if i wanted to do the four year thing
  5. J

    ADF Gap Year

    guys i just got a phone call from the defence force... and gap year is full
  6. J

    ADF Gap Year

    what are you guys doing in terms of excercising?
  7. J

    ADF Gap Year

    ok my friend just got back from his YOU session and he got told that gap year positions are ful... except for like most of the gay ones
  8. J

    ADF Gap Year

    question for everyone: did any1 else at their YOU session get told that all gap year positions are on hold until they find out how many numbers they can take... cause i got told GAP YEAR is sorta frozen atm
  9. J

    ADF Gap Year

    thanks man... i just have been waiting for a lil while... and didnt know wat was happening... where u located? and which gap year u doing?
  10. J

    ADF Gap Year

    after sending in all the information after the YOU session how long do you have to wait until they call you for your assessment day?
  11. J

    ADF Gap Year

    after ya send in all ya paperwork (like school certificates) and medical stuff how long does it take before you hear about your assessment day?
  12. J

    ADF Gap Year

    dude u sound kinda homophobic
  13. J

    ADF Gap Year

    nah im more concerned with the poking and proding lol well i dont even know when my assessment day is yet lol
  14. J

    ADF Gap Year

    is there anything more recent cause i read the info and alot seems out of date (like the pay and stuff) also would an in grown toe nail affect entry that much... or it better to go throgh the pain and process of getting it removed... im sorta scared of the medical sounds invasive
  15. J

    ADF Gap Year

    wat do u mean details? like i know where training is... how long it goes for... a couple of places i could be posted after training... what training involves... im going for rifleman... so yeah any help would be appreciated
  16. J

    ADF Gap Year

    i sent in all my paper work today... now all i have to do is wait for my asssesment day details... how much info do u need to know? im trying for rifleman
  17. J

    ADF Gap Year

    im thinking of doing the gap year next yr... how hard is the fitness test? and the intial training... im thinking of doing army