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  1. K

    Help, Standard/Advanced English Question

    this is where the scaling and ranking comes in. if your on the BOTTOM of ADVANCED, i.e 75. then scaling does NOT apply to you.. scaling ONLY benefits people that are above average in the ranks because your school ranks would help you a big deal in the actual uai. eg, rank 3 from school got...
  2. K

    Help, Standard/Advanced English Question

    his already stated that some courses in uni NEED and REQUIRE adv or ext english. and some careers may need sophistocated eng eg journalist reporter etc etc.
  3. K

    Help, Standard/Advanced English Question

    um how MUCH does it scale down to? =/ do you know? eg. 85 standard = ? and 85 ADV = ? ii jst wanna have an idea
  4. K

    Help, Standard/Advanced English Question

    erm.. are you comparing this to Advanced english? because isnt standard english sposed to be an EASIER course? then why is it HARDER to get high marks?
  5. K

    Help, Standard/Advanced English Question

    i have the same problem atm. time to choose between eng adv/std. im scoring 30/50 for adv. sittin on average for my grade. tho head teacher is giving the advice that doing GREAT in standard is BETTER than doing AVERAGE in advanced. this is because it will give me a better end result for UAI ...