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  1. E

    Early Entry

    I got my early entry into University of Canberra for middle school teaching and into Bachelor of Arts at CSU which I really wnat to do via distance so hoping to get a pproved for that. Anyone else getinto a course at Charles Sturt and hoping to do it by distance?? I think its hard that all...
  2. E

    Call Backs.

    what is a call back??
  3. E

    The exam!

    I worte the same type of things about the shoes and the starting point and walking down serperate paths. I also made note that they were directed froward as a forward movement. I totally wrote the wrong thing when it came to the artworld agencies :(
  4. E

    The exam!

    I was overly impressed with this exam infact I would go so far as to say it was my best exam. I loved both sections although I am bummed that I forgot to talk about the audience in c of section one. I chose question 5 in section two the one that had the quote about people must be empowered to...
  5. E

    Whats the deal with Art Express?

    To get into art express you have to get over 45 out of 50 I'm pretty sure and that is very hard to get I believe. I haven't heard or noticed that art express has themes etc behind it I'm positive it just goes off the marks. I did charcoal drawings on canvas depicting children living in...
  6. E

    Although its a littllee late to be thinking this...

    What are you all studying or what sort of essay question are you planning on choosing?? I'm studying technology and artists such as Bill Viola, Stelar and Patricia Picinini so i'll choose a conceptual framework question.