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  1. T

    Reflection statement

    ahh hm yes trials...mine's in a week or so. and yes I agree - the due date for ext 2 is ridiculous. I had my Indo HSC last week along with having to finish my whole ext 2 for the final assessment. Didn't sleep much. I'm doing a short story. Along with the other 2 billion people who also do...
  2. T

    Reflection statement

    Hi Lindsay, Thanks for ur help with the reflection statement! I'm still in a mad rush to finish everything. How's ur going? Thanks
  3. T

    Reflection statement

    I am starting my reflection statement. Does anyone have any example reflection statements so I know where I am headed? tyvm
  4. T

    What are your plans after your HSC?

    -Skydiving/wingsuit lessons -Piano lessons -Train holiday! -Flying lessons -Europe!!! -Work as aircraft mechanic -Outboard mechanic lessons -R/C Sailing -Chinese lessons -P/T as a barista and doing competitions -Volunteer for coastguard -Buy myself a boat XD Bayliner!!!! -Hot air...