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    2009 cssa biology

    Re: CSSA Bio trial papers yeh i thought of a prac like that but my teacher told us that we're not allowed to use human test i was thinking using rats....and then cleaning them but yeh i dont kno...stupid question in the end
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    Elements of Revenge Tragedy

    hey thanks for the awesoime suggestion just wondering is that the small to medium yellow book with the picture of a helmet on it?
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    Elements of Revenge Tragedy

    hey guys im doin a assignment and i need some help (any help) with finding some of the elements or conventions of the Revenge tragedy. if anyone can suggest any websites or books or anything relevant to the form of the revenge tragedy will be a big help and really appreciated. thanks. :wave:
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    How did you go in your Viva Voces? Pleased? Disappointed?

    thas an awesome mark. did u also get marked on your journal log entries and stuff or was it jus the viva voce?
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    a survey?

    hey guys i posted a thread a while ago asking if people believed in angels, thanks to all those that replied, and a large percentage of the replies stated that no they did not believe in angels. Hence i added a second question which i dont think anyone took notice of. So for this thread which i...
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    jus cauz i can - do angels exist?

    hey guys, this is just a quick survey, if you could call it that, i was just wondering does any one here believe in angels? all opinions and responses are appreciated and would really help me out for my major work thanks. good luck with ur major work :wave: just a thing to ponder for...
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    :)hey guys anyone out there who's done the topic Julio-Claudians for Ancient history?could anyone tell me wat the hell we're supposed to be looking at in terms of the Julio-Claudian cauz im lost. thanks heaps oh and if anyone can helpus out suggesting any sources that will make sense of...
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    Hotel Rwanda, Help needed urgently

    i've seen bits of hotel rawanda and i think one of the ways you can link it to the concept ofbelonging is that belonging is a very personal journey, a journey to find your belonging and should not be determined by others. i think near the start the narrator talks about how the difference...
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    Assistance needed

    hey thanx for all the input really appreciate it. as for the specifics i need alot of info concerning the world of angels like how they operate and what they can and cant do. i definitely will use the suggestions posted here, and thanks heaps. im still researching and ne help will be useful.
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    help needed

    hey guys, im doin Chemistry for my HSC in 2009 and frankly i suck at calculating moles, ne1 sympathise? neway i was wondering if ne1 can suggest any textbooks or tactics employed they used to overcome this problem. thanks heaps. :read:
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    help needed

    hey guys, im doin Chemistry for HSC and frankly i suck at calculating moles.....ne1 sympathise? neway i was wondering if ne1 can suggest any textbooks or tactics to overcome this problem. any suggestions are much appreciated. thanks:read:
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    Assistance needed

    hey guys, im doin extension 2 and im doin like a MW on angels i was wonderin....does ne1 kno any good movies about angels and that sorta stuff. input will be much appreciated. thanks heaps
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    Anyone do Extension English?

    we did Fairy Tales and myths for terms 1 and 2 then term 3 we studied the picaresque novel, pretty kool stuff
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    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    this school i used to go to, the year 12's released chickens into most of the classrooms wihch resulted in chicken crap and feathers everywhere. funny day