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  1. H

    Studying for this aural shit

    Stuff aural. I'm going for +25 cause these will be my two worst units. Not studying at all, will leave asap. Need to study for Modern.
  2. H


    I can play them in both situations, all depends on your team, opponents, etc but your right is different gameplay
  3. H


    True, there is no ideal 'perfect' hero; however my top 5 respectively would have to be Void, Leoric, Ursa, Razor and Nevermore (who pwns with lothars).
  4. H

    Brain = Fried

    English is just something else. My brain isn't 'fried', so to speak, but I am somewhat shitting myself. So, don't feel bad - just get some sleep, and wake up at 2.34 and start the major cramming session.
  5. H

    Official Xbox 360 Thread

    Sweet... i can't find my receipt though, lol.
  6. H

    UAI estimation. Please?

    thanks... so id have to get high 80s in all my exams, to get a 74?
  7. H

    Official Xbox 360 Thread

    stazi, is that free game offer still valid now? I think the guy might have run out of copies of Ninja Gaiden 2, lol.
  8. H


    Lol its funny, this thread was about how to 'stop' dota'ing. What u-borat said, bracers > bands for agi heroes. Sometimes i get bracers for str heroes like SK, to make them more tank early game.
  9. H

    UAI estimation. Please?

    albertspeer, gtfo. You wouldn't have a chance at bieng a politician if you got 100 UAI, seeing as your spelling is so fucking absymal. Thanks!
  10. H

    UAI estimation. Please?

    Hey guys, just wondering if a 70+ is possible with my ranks. I've bludged most of the year, and i'm hoping to fix things up in the hsc. Ancient History - 35/55 Standard English - 102/266 IPT - 7/30 Legal - 22/41 Modern - 19/30 Music 2 - 2/2 I want to get around 74. Is it possible, or its too...
  11. H


    Hey guys, just wondering if a 70+ is possible with my ranks. I've bludged most of the year, and i'm hoping to fix things up in the hsc. Ancient History - 35/55 Standard English - 102/266 IPT - 7/30 Legal - 22/41 Modern - 19/30 Music 2 - 2/2 I want to get around 74. Is it possible, or its too...
  12. H

    Anyone Else Studying Less Closer To the HSC

    I just cant be bothered to study. I just cant - i studied for 8hrs a day during stuvac but i dunno now im just losing motivation. I think its English.
  13. H


    hehe yeah, fable 2 will be epic; buying XBL just for that. @ Franman, i could do that but i've got it backed up on my external hdd, i dunno how i can bring myself to delete it... i'm going to have to do something soon though, exams in 10 days :( Any other dota'ers here? lol
  14. H


    Nah i play on Garena, BA had some error and it doesnt connect :( but i don't mind its fun on Garena too. I need to know how to stop playing tho :p
  15. H


    I couldn't do that... what would i do after hsc until fable 2? plus it cost me 90, i got the battlechest..
  16. H


    I can't stop dota'ing, everytime i study i have a break after like 2 hrs and i play a game! I haven't uninstalled it because i've got the original disk and i cant stow my pc away cause i use it for study/etc... anyone else having problems with dota/or just games in general? btw Nevermore ftw!
  17. H

    12 Units - 5 subjects counted?

    Awesome . I won't study for modern then. Thanks for the replies guys!