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  1. L

    What motivates you to exercise?

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    general UNSW chit-chat

    hahhahahahaha. gold.
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    Sparta's Fall

    most definitely. anything is a possibility...which is so annoying! haha, but this is easy to remember, so its okay.
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    Sparta Help

    Technology: weapons, armour, pottery Economic roles of the Helots Economic Exchange: use of iron bars, trade Weapons and Armour... Spartan hoplitse were equipped with high quality weapons and armour made from bronze. Spartans were forbidden to carry out such work, so their armour was most...
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    Spartans - What ancient Greek writers wrote

    i think where you might have gone wrong is by not speaking more generally about Spartans and their way of life. i think their way of life as a whole was more what the teacher as after. heres a good one for future reference.... Aristotle 384-322BC "And so long as they were at war, their power...
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    Sparta's Fall

    Sparta was no longer a major power in Greece after the Battle of Leuctra (the battle between Sparta and Thebes + the Boetian League in 173BC). They fought as bravely as they always did, but they were defeated. They lost more than half of their Spartiate soldiers, and after the battle, the...
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    Dropping Sub Right Before Hsc Exam!!!

    im pretty sure there was a cut off time earlier in the year to drop subjects. but im not sure if thats true or not.
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    Rules for Customers

    1. Actually reply when i look at you straight in the eyes and force out a 'hey, how ya going?' i dont really want to talk to you either, but im still doing it aren't i? 2. don't watch me pack your green bags, then get annoyed and unpack it and repack it 'your' way, which is the same as my way...
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    procrastinating: your biggest distractions

    whooaaa, you're pretty much stuffed. and thats just people! haha
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    procrastinating: your biggest distractions

    holy crap at the amount of subjects you do. how do you survive?? :O haha
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    procrastinating: your biggest distractions

    definatley agreed. hot wetther makes me feel sleepy and i cant be stuffed to do anything.. :( oh well.
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    procrastinating: your biggest distractions

    i should've included a poll in this...ahh well. :)
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    procrastinating: your biggest distractions

    sooo true. but i need a motive to go on youtube in the first place, as in theres something i wanna look at. then you get sucked in! grrr haha
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    procrastinating: your biggest distractions

    hello HSCers! it is pretty obvious that everyone, when undergoing their HSC studies will atleast once (and for some too often :D) procrastinate on study and assessment tasks. what i want to know is, what is your biggest distraction from doing study? For me, one of them is actually...
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    80+ UAI possible

    you can download an easy to use UAI calculator here: i used it and its kept me motivated because it shows me what marks i need to get if i want a UAI of 80+ :D
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    Why is elvis still famous?

    funny that he's in politics now...he came to our school not long ago and i just cant take him seriously after all that bad fashion (and dance moves) he put himself through. haha since people make fun of you as you do it haha, its a killer move though.
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    briar rose

    this is some really good information Here is another thread of Briar Rose information that (no offense) is slighlty easier to take in. It definatley helps with the essays (themes, techniques, quotes etc) have fun! :D
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    Complete Briar Rose Info - Themes, Techniques, Quotes!

    hello.. i've noticed there isn't that much help on here for Briar Rose. i got 19/20 for my Briar Rose essay in the trials (havent done the HSC yet haha) and heres what i know(all quotes are highlighted in red) Novel Structure The novel consists of two parts, structured in three sections. The...
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    Why is elvis still famous?

    ohhh jeeze hahaha. well, i suppose its good that can admit it. haha i think my dancing turns to crazyness such as that after drinking, cos then you loosen up and pull moves like the sprinkler and others of the shameful nature....ohh dear haha :)
  20. L

    Why is elvis still famous?

    haha they really do! its so awesome. :D wish white people could dance as well as them. im speaking in general terms - no one get up in arms at me about that! haha