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  1. xtcy

    english/maths tutor

    suuuppp dennis! gettin' quiet in here dont you think
  2. xtcy

    motivate me

    in the past* sounds better :)
  3. xtcy

    motivate me

    hey namu is that a typo in your sig. i'm having trouble reading it :/
  4. xtcy

    Painful first sex

  5. xtcy

    motivate me

    it was inspired by dear namu
  6. xtcy

    motivate me

    yo what subjects?
  7. xtcy

    motivate me

    Don't judge me by what I have done it past, judge me by what I do now.
  8. xtcy

    Anyone regret their subject selections at the moment?

    what :confused: ya i do
  9. xtcy

    i don't even know you.. :confused:

    i don't even know you.. :confused:
  10. xtcy

    shuuu leh how ya doin'

    shuuu leh how ya doin'
  11. xtcy

    it's pretty funny imo lol

    it's pretty funny imo lol
  12. xtcy

    Do you Floss everyday?

    probably only like twice in my life
  13. xtcy

    Year 11 Study Time

    hahaha yuk look at the OP's sig umm idk i just study whenever i feel the need to or i don't understand the work
  14. xtcy

    Anyone regret their subject selections at the moment?

    hate maths but i'd never drop down to general ew so i guess i'm sticking with maths
  15. xtcy

    Age Difference

    mm yeah older guys are definitely more attractive i guess it's just the maturity that comes with it
  16. xtcy

    What have you eaten today?

    thanks a lot ya knob but soon, i will be ano today: coffee
  17. xtcy

    Dream Date

    same :(
  18. xtcy

    One night loving - why not?

  19. xtcy

    Damn! I forgot about Earth Hour.

    hahah right, i don't think we turned off a single light in my house