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  1. L

    URGENT!Anyone got MED Interview at JCU? Need your help!

    hey jagat what sort of questions where asked in your interview? and wat qualities do JCU like to have?
  2. L

    JCU interview worth what?

    hey beachwaves just wondering what atar do you need to get the interview for MBBS jcu? and what kind of questions did they ask in your interview? i too am non-rural non-qld student and any information would be greatly appreciated :)
  3. L

    JCU Medicine

    what is the atar requirements approximately for MBBS JCU if i am from sydney city. + what are the sort of questions are we to be asked in interviews + what are the requirements and qualities JCU is looking for? any help would be greatly appreciated :jump:
  4. L

    Titration Q.

    its not balanced is it? isnt it meant to be na2co3 + 2hcl -> h20 + co2 + 2nacl
  5. L

    whens your formal and wheres it at?

    a couple of schools have already had their formals. i think kings had theirs half way thru the year... how much is everyone paying for their actual formal itself? ours is 185 with date.