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  1. T

    Aboriginal children in care now exceeds stolen generations

    no buddy no.... well first the white people took the children from their mothers and were forced to forget their culture.... and do you know what they did to some of the babies?? well let me tell you... they killed them and stuffed them inside a hollowed out tree!! thats murder! and theres so...
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    Aboriginal children in care now exceeds stolen generations

    to all you people who hav anything against Aboriginal people i feel sorry for you... and its sad to think there are still racist people out there. and do any of you really konw what happened when the white people came and the stolen grneration began??
  3. T

    can anyone help me with english??

    hay can anyone help me with related texts?? i hav got 'breakaway' from kelly clakson.... but i dont know how to anaylsis it and what techniques to look for?? can anyone help me?? plzz :) xXx
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    yeah i know i just didnt realise :) umm were studying 'the simple gift' in class atm...
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    hay can anyone help me with related texts?? i hav got 'breakaway' from kelly clakson.... but i dont know how to anaylsis it and what techniques to look for?? can anyone help me?? plzz :) xXx
  6. T

    I am depressed... Start a Religion with me?

    OMG thak yooh soooooooo much!!! its killing me not posting threads lol well haha i like ur idea about religion its awsom :monkey: !! :jaw: thats for tha cats!!! how crule (even tho i hate cats...)
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    I am depressed... Start a Religion with me?

    i like grass...:) well i kno this has nothing to do with the topic but can ne one tell me how to post a tread... i dnt kno how to nd its annoying me!! plzz any one?? xXx:confused: :wave:
  8. T

    Will Australia ever have an Aboriginal Prime Minister

    WHAT... well even though i think we wont have an aboriginal prime minister for years ns years... but u have no right saying that!! as if we would get revenge or somfin.. even though some of u may deserve it... but we have rights to our land and it sour culture!! and as for the true...