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    wanted - comedy night tickets

    I got 4 today around 4pm. they arent sold out
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    Things that makes you feel good

    Seeing people with heaps of posts on BOS get shit ATAR's
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    Kristina Keneally new Premier of NSW

    fuck i was going to get a job with sartor if he became premier
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    Csu 2010!

    yeah i know. I was more thinking about leaving behind all my friends in Sydney. Its a good excuse to move out though
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    Discipline and abuse...

    stealing back from the child is far worse. Sends the message thats this is the right thing to do. In regards to the OP, im unsure. I can see why i child might need a smack if they put themselves in physical danger. But at the same time it can encourage violence. hmmm
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    Csu 2010!

    Im thinking about doing the journalism course but living in bathurst is pretty unappealing. Hmmmm
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    Recommend me stuff!

    The complete translation is really tedious. To have a proper understanding of anything the guys says you have to have a really good knowledge of french politics around this time, like you have said. I dont see how an adapted version would be any worse. it will just save you alot of time.
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    Your expectations

    Fight the power!!!
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    What do your teachers think of us???

    A kid in my school quoted wikipedia in his speech. that was hilarious.
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    Me and a big group of mates are going up to Coledale for schoolies. I have a feeling that its a tiny town but i dont want to shell out heaps to go to gc. Can someone tell me if theyre going and whats it like if youve been there.
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    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    The only places ive ever done it is on my cousins bed (I think it was his 16th)and in a shopping centre toilets. Im rather proud of this lol
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    Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey?

    all you have to do is compare it the countless b-grade sf movies that preceeded it in the 50's and 60's to see how much of a ground breaking text it really is. I find it the easiest to analyse of all our prescribed texts. Just try and look for conventions and how it reflect the composers purpose...
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    Julius Caesar

    What other scenes do you guys think are important apart from brutus and Antony's funeral speech. I have a feeling alot of people will do this and was hoping to do another.
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    How I met your mother

    I cant believe that Stella is actually the mother! At least im preety sure that happens in the lastest episode
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    Study Discussion

    Re: Previous people who have did the HSC Thats a great help considering we are half way through year 12
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    What study did you do today?

    Im glad you made that clear
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    Weirdest place you have m*bated?

    Re: Weirdest place you have masturbated? lol ive the exact same thing. Nearly got caught too :p
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    Who's a POSTMODERNIST? Hand up!!

    lol no one would admit to that! Actually I kind of agree with some of Carr's ideas but anything that is more severe than that is pushing it.
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    2009 Economics Marathon

    lol man you are the biggest fucking poser. every time ive seen you post its about how you have mastered the entire syllabus. Heres a hint. WE DONT GIVE A FUCK!
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    Mao/Stalin relationship

    i think the relationship of these two major communist leaders has the potential for a really good history extension project as alot of intrigue surounds each leaders motives for their actions on connection to the relationship. Im just struggling to refine it any further and even wondering if i...