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  1. E

    How did you go?

    Yeh, I talked about plyometrics mainly and overloading the energy systems, as well as a bit of streagnth training. Sounds like you did really well. Im not sure ow I'll go... at least got a few relevant points down though! :-)
  2. E

    How did you go?

    sounds like you did well! Yeh, I didnt link it too a sport iether... ooooops!
  3. E

    How did you go?

    Yeh same :-( what did you guys talk about? I think I was rattling hopelessly...
  4. E

    How did you go?

    Are, I mixed them I think... just rattled about anxiety managing techniques like visulisation, possitive self talk mental rehersal etc.... Motivation... I wasnt sure what to put! How about you....
  5. E

    How did you go?

    yeh, I thought the exam was pretty ok. I thought it would be worse. Who else had: Improving performance sports medicine as their options? What did you guys think of them. I thought they were ok, but I think I was a bit vague answering! With power and speed, what was with that? hah... its over!!