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  1. P

    Which history questions did you find retarted?

    I found a question about: Australians involved with the UN in containing communism in which country? I never new about the UN stopping communism so I had a stab at Korea since I didn't know much about that.
  2. P

    English Short Story - Poll

    I did Lee waited for the phone to ring It got a bit weird after the first sentence ;) My lee waited for the cut off time then he ventured out into the cold to a meeting place in the woods (it was snowing) there he found his friend who hadnt rang him because he had to keep quiet incase the...
  3. P

    what was the gradient, 1:10, 1:20, 1:30 or 1:40

    I got 1:40 as it was like rise- 30metres over run- 1200metres =1/40 not sure if thats right
  4. P

    it's OVER

    Good Job everyone:) I celebrated with my new beach ball all the way from exams to bus lines to bus to home:) probably played with like 100 people since end of exam...
  5. P

    Age/Gender of Supervisors

    some old people...young people....hippy people...weird smelling people we had a mixture
  6. P

    dyou have any good luck charms for exams?

    take off your shoe and use the shoelace...bit of a classic don't really need it... maybe like one MC we may need but estimating will probs work;)
  7. P

    dyou have any good luck charms for exams?

    Haha... good idea for tomorrow... I only took in one today:O tomorrow we need calculator, compass, protractor, string...lots of weird stuff
  8. P

    dyou have any good luck charms for exams?

    sorry for change of subject but I need your experience:) I can't locate the thread with tips for each exam... it was a great help last night but now I can't find:( it was a fairly old one but had all exams covered
  9. P

    dyou have any good luck charms for exams?

    hmmm I won't be wearing any g-strings anytime soon HEHE yeah the hat is a bit of a legend around these parts, everyone knows it! looks a little silly but would never trade
  10. P

    dyou have any good luck charms for exams?

    I wear a lucky hat on the way to and from school:) it has no brand names just dark blue with red front:)