i went home and cried.. totaly unmotivated to study for extension the next day. But the good thing is most people found it horrible so it'll get scaled up..
Does anyone know where I could find additional information on the subject matter?
Are there any known study guides, or good critical aticles/websites etc. that anyone knows about?
I’m pretty sure I’m going crazy... belonging is all I can think about and I subconsciously keep trying to relate everything to my prescribed text. Even things like street signs haha…
Not to mention lack of sleep due to intense stress and its been... what, 6 weeks...
Re: BELONGING: The crucible
Yeh i have, and i've got a few texts but i wanted to see if there are better ones.
I want one that I will really like, or one that really connects..
We're going through it in class but we're only up to act 2,
and i want to get my speech done by the end of next...
BELONGING: The crucible
My class is studying the Crucible at the moment and we are suppsoe to find texts that relate so we can compare OR contrast...
the story is based on the salem tragedy (the witchcraft trials of 1962)...
anyways it touches on heaps of themes in belonging but the one i was...
hahaha the crucible is gay!!!
im sure there's a million and one other text about belonging that would poo all over the crucible
...slowly going crazy
Re: crucible related texts
u seem to know the crucible..
i was thinking of the movie "13" or "the village"
do u think these would be good related texts?