i heard that if you can learn a language concurrently with your degree by doing a diploma in languages. how does this work? will the degree still take the same amount of time to complete or do you have to stay in uni for an extra year or something? When/How do you enrol? Thanks
the merit scholarships are 6k a year. a lot of people i've asked havent recieved anything yet but i got my letter last week. i thought i wouldve got one for engineering since i'm ranked quite high in maths, phys and chem. oh well
so i can do b commerce/ b engineering (civil with architectuere)? i remember someone telling me you can only combine with the normal civil course. Thanks
i'm interested in this combined degree as well but i've heard that usyd is shit for structural engineering. UNSW has 'civil with architecture' but that only has a few architecture courses in it. Will unsw and uts graduates be preferred over usyd graduates even if they have an extra degree in...