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    The Official Bachelor of Communication Thread

    Yay first year!!!! And what's with the pickachu slapping? Pikachu is awesome. <3
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    All Level 2 courses?

    As I said, the Major is English, Texts and Writing.
  3. 1

    All Level 2 courses?

    I swear this is so retarded. You gotta take 4 courses a semester, right? Okay, of the core, only two run during Autumn at Paramatta and then my major isn't offered there, so I figure I just gotta put in one of these rule waiver things. So I go look at my major, which is "English Texts and...
  4. 1

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: 2010 UWS Chatter Thread Hey, how do you get a rule wavier form for like having to study at two campuses because some of your courses aren't offered at your home uni? O_o
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    Question about online tutorials? For B Arts

    I was looking through the hand book and time table and for the core class "text and traditions" it says the lecture is "ONLINE". Can anyone tell me what that's like and how that goes down? O_o I can't find anyone who's done such thing.
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    Arts @ UWS 2010

    Yay for arts!!
  7. 1

    B Arts Path to Masters Teaching.

    Hey, I just want to know. I was reading how if you do a bachelor of arts for three years, then you have a place in Masters of teaching secondary or primary. The thing is, I was wondering, is it hard to get into a B Arts in Teaching (Pathway) to Secondary or whatever after you do B Arts? 'Cause I...
  8. 1

    What are you currently Reading?

    I tried to read this. I almost died and got so confused. GOD THOSE GODS ARE CRAZY! lol Re reading "Assassin's Apprentice" and then all the books in the Farseer/Tawny Man trilogy by Robin Hobb. Has anyone read anything by Isobelle Carmody? Pretty good for an Aussie. Fantasy, though. And can...
  9. 1

    The Reading Recommendations Thread

    Despite a mass list, I have to recommend these: Title: Study Trilogy, Glass Trilogy (Glass is still awaiting one book that'll be released in Sep, but also may be hard to come by in aus since they weren't picked up here, but you can get them off amazon cheaper than ordering them at a&r) These...
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    Sick of twil-friggin-light!!!!!!!!

    LMAO I totally agree. And I liked Patterson and Lautner, too.. OH WHY DOES EVERYTHING I LIKE HAVE TO GET FRUINED UP BY TWEENS!
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    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    *Sighs* I hate the whole argument. Firstly, I'd like to say that -both- Stephanie Myer and J.K Rowling are fucking cunts and seriously only write for the money. BUT That doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy both the Twilight Saga and the Harry Potter Series, 'cause I did. But I said this to everyone...
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    Who doesn't care anymore

    Ditto to post above. Though, I never really cared. I find it fucked how I know students who got all band 6's and no 90 atar, though. Ah "Head platter duh!"
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    Is it possible if your bachelor you got accepted in is at one uni, and your major that you wanna do is at another? So confusing. Who you gotta talk to when that happens?
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    My sister told me something like, your name (once you pick your major pick the subjects or so) is put down for all the lectures of that course, but you have to manually pick the tutorials some time in February, and it goes on a first come first served bases. I know how confused you get, my major...
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    Official UWS Student List 2010

    Got in early rounds. B Arts Parramatta <3
  16. 1

    A bit of info?

    You guys know the exchange system? Well, I -just- got into uni. Like early round. (So excited :spin:) but anyway. I read how they think you should do your courses, with 8 core, 8 major and and 4 for one sub major and 4 for another sub major. Anyway, for the past two years I've been looking about...
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    Official UWS Student List 2009

    Can we make a 2010 list? *Early round offer* YAY I'm officially a student at UWS with an official student number and all! (Except after four years of having to remember my high school student number, this is more annoying since everything you sign into/up for/register on you have to use it). But...
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    Omg. I am so confused about hecs, too. But I called up government of education, they said HECS is through the uni. So we called up uws, and they said that you apply for HECS while you're picking your courses or so. And they have all the forms and what you do and stuff. So I'm guessing it's all...
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    Pip help plez =]

    In my area there is a public and private school right down the road from each other. I go to the public school, and surprisingly feel sorry for the private school students. Their school is strict, so much so that being away will get you a call and text to all registerd guardians. Because of such...
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    what is textual intengrity???

    Meaning given out by sydney morning hearald. "Textual integrity: The unity of a text; its coherent use of form and language to produce an integrated whole in terms of meaning and value."