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  1. L

    How many solutions to?

    do u go 2 mce?
  2. L

    Rudd will lose this election

    YouTube - Road sign: Kevin Rudd sucks
  3. L

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    wasn't the kyoto project another failure?
  4. L


    little balls of edible plastic
  5. L

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    Both health policy and education revolution are another addition of Rudd's failures
  6. L

    Favourite YouTube video

    Peter Chao!
  7. L


    u cnt do 4u maths in yr 11 its on 3u then extension 2(4u) in yr 12
  8. L

    Noisy Class!!!! What to do?!?

    :haha:Jst DROP OUT