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  1. L


    thanks. can anyone clarify if it is possible to do a doube major in arts/law.
  2. L


    if you do all the required units of study for a major, by doing some holiday programs, is it recorded as a major? i am going to study arts/law, but want to do 2 arts majors.
  3. L

    timetabling n lectures n tutes

    oka. thanks. that makes sense.
  4. L

    timetabling n lectures n tutes

    hi. i was looking at timetables on the unsw website n i noticed that lectures are sometimes after tutes during the week. i always thought that you go to your lectures for a general understanding of a topic, but afterwards look at it more closely in tutes. can someone please explain this to me.
  5. L


    kk thanks heaps! i noticed that you also do political economy, which i'll do if i drop french. how do you find it?
  6. L

    mac make-up artists

    hi. im going to have my formal make up done at mac. does anyone have any mac make-up artist recommendations, or MUA who i should avoid, preferably at chatswood myer mac (or paddington or city)? i have searched the vogue forums, but there are no specific recommendations. thanks
  7. L


    hmmm... that's interesting. people i know who are at unsw arts find usyd better and i always thought usyd is known for its arts department. also, i wasnt impressed with unsw on open day. im planning on doing comm/arts of comm(lib studies)
  8. L


    thanks again. for french at uni, when teachers mark work, do they correct all grammatical mistakes, or do they just give you a mark at the end?
  9. L


    Thanks heaps for your reviews! I'm more interested in improving the fluency of my French. I heard that you can practice your speaking skills at French club (or is this really lame?) Also, at uni, if the lectures are really boring, do students just go on with other work? Also, skut8, do you...
  10. L


    reading reviews on here it seems that french at usyd is crap which is really disappointing... ive done french ext and i have been really excited to study french at usyd, but now i dont know. can people give me their reviews of french, with the positives and negatives, please??
  11. L

    junior unit of study

    i was just wondering if you have to do the junior units of study in the first year,or can it be any year??
  12. L

    Commerce/Economics HELP!!

    hi. i want to exactly the same majors!! everyone i meet thinks that its weird to do a european language with commerce. anyways im planning on studying comm/arts at usyd b/c im not allowed to go to anu :( and i wasnt impressed with unsw arts, especially european languages... (but ive heard...
  13. L

    policy mix

    ive been told and read different info concerning the policy mix - does it include micro (as well as fiscal and monetary)??
  14. L

    Help if you're good

    ^the rba not the gov't tightens/loosens the cash rate. anyways, monetary policy is a pre-emptive inflationary instrument - full affects of rate rises won't be seen for 6-18months
  15. L

    Question 1e... What did you do?

    i got the same as untouchablecuz, but i integrated wrong lol.
  16. L

    aligned marks

    hmm... does anyone else think that the e4 cutoff will be in the early-mid70s/120, considering that 72/120=60%??? coz i really hope so, b/c i made sooo many silly mistakes - if you get the concept right but make like 1 dumb mistake at the end, do you loose most of the marks?
  17. L

    State Rankings

    are there any known cases of ppl getting higher external marks than state rankers, or more specifically than the top person in the state, and not getting a state ranking themself?
  18. L

    quick open day qu

    cool. thought so. thanks
  19. L

    quick open day qu

    open days are coming up - usyd next week and unsw the week after. i was wondering if university tours, and lectures such as managing the transition from high school to uni will be repeated at the start of next year, when we know what uni we're going to, etc.