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    who believes religion is out dated

    First of all, I'm NOT your buddy. After reading through the entire thread, all that other guy did was to make a comment on the "history" of religion and the theologies behind it. He did not claim credits for such revelations etc. Religion is a personal thing. If you have faith, it is up to...
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    who believes religion is out dated

    Moll, YOU are the one with the bad form. You make 'strategic' belittling comments regarding people that post then change tact and make the odd decent comment in a veiled attempt to cover your tracks. You stop belittling people, and others will stop attacking you. These threads are supposed...
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    who believes religion is out dated

    How about not just staying on topic but to also read people's posts properly, without bias, and stop being a condescending bastard?! Mediterranean was making sensible comments and all you do is make smart arse comments and lap up the alleged admiration some other member has for the...
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    who believes religion is out dated

    You're a fuckwit, Moll. "How u like them apples?!"
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    Anyone who's interested in New Generation degrees for next year

    No-one knows exactly until offers come out, but based on the past few years, the ENTER required for the BCom should be around the 95 mark (plus or minus 2 possibly).
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    Hi Kaz. I'm not from Pakistan or Israel and am also saddened by the plights of such nations and the effects they have on other populations. But I submit to you that maybe you should consider 'how' they became that way and what other foreign nations benefit from the current political climate...
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    Hi Fareezuh. Just ensure that you do your best, and 'if' you are not able to gain entry into a law degree, there is always the possibility of transferring if you achieve good marks 75+ average in your first year at uni in any course. Re: your ambition. It is a noble one. Wish you every...
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    Combined degrees?!

    The only difference between a single and double degree is the 'duration' of the course and the cross credits you receive between the two (hence why it takes a little less time completing a double degree than if you were to undertake two single degrees seperately.) No harder. Just longer.
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    Can u drop to a single degree from double degree???

    Hi Samiboi, this may assist you:
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    DISTINCTION average in uni hard to achieve generally?

    Apply yourself to your studies. Attend lectures, put in the necessary research for upcoming assignments, allow ample time to complete set tasks, revise, attend lectures, listen, and 'engage' with your university. At least that way, even 'if' you do not achieve a D average, you will know you...
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    woes about some courses - please help!

    WAM = Weighted Average Mean For further information, refer to Grade Point Average and Weighted Average Mark **Note: you will need to apply yourself to your studies in every Unit and you should be able to achieve a Distinction average. To cull candidates, the faculties look at the...
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    Can u drop to a single degree from double degree???

    It is possible to transfer from a double degree to a single degree vice versa. (Transferring from a single to a double usually requires a higher average) You need to attain a certain average in your first year. The average required depends on suppy/demand but I do believe some institutions...
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    Why Monash

    Melbourne is fantastic. Famous for its arts&culture/dining/gardens/sport. Living in Melbourne below link may assist re: costs Cost of living Good luck with your course. And 'if' you choose to do so, "Welcome to Melbourne".
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    1.1 below clearly-in, what are my chances?

    As we all know, ENTER cut-offs vary according to demand/supply. With that said, in the last three years the lowest cut-off for Bach Comm at Monash was 90.15. Even if you miss out, how about BBus(Acc)/BBus(B&F) or similar at the Caulfield campus? You can always apply to transfer after 1st year...
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    UAI cut-offs: Decrease or Increase

    Kevin statement re: financial crisis being a factor in increased scores is due to the assumption that since there are less jobs in the market, more high school graduates will choose to apply for Uni/TAFE instead of attempt to find full-time employment. This increase in higher ed applications...
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    about uni preferences.. help

    Since your score is higher, all else being equal, you should receive the offer. The relative preference sequence between candidates will not factor into offers being made. Hence, place your preferences in the order you find the courses desirable. Good luck.
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    Monash law transfer

    Thanks, Xytech.
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    Monash law transfer

    Has anyone managed to transfer into Monash law after first year uni? if so, what was the weighted average mean? Thanks in advance.
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    Transfer into Law - weighted average mean?

    Can anyone clarify the average they (or a friend) achieved in 1st year uni to successfully transfer into law at Monash? Thanks in advance.
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    Victoria University - Law

    Can any current/past VU Law students comment on the quality of the course and employment prospects? (especially competing against Monash and Melb grads). Thanks.