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  1. S

    Debating society

    i would be interested if based at ctown campus
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    2009 UWS Chatter Thread

    Re: General chit chat/get to know thread. so with u there....i hate when u get to building 4, and you have that path where there is only enuf room for one person to get thru, regardless of what way u go! what is with that? it makes walking so hard!
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    Registering for Lectures'pracs??

    It starts on monday depending on what school the subjects are in. For eg. Biomed and health sci (chem, bio) are on the 12th 1:30 pm on platform web. math is 11th at 11:30. if you go to the uws homesite and from current students go to tutorial registration, all the links and times are there for...
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    Yellow Parking Permits

    Not really at C'town, Its only a main road or train station. The only way of me to get to uni is by driving everyday cos Im from Narellan/Camden. Bus is 40 mins + 10 min (power)walk for 12 min car ride. So its a bit disappointing that UWS doesnt control parking....Why didnt they take over that...
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    Yellow Parking Permits

    can UWS actually get anything right this year?
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    Yellow Parking Permits

    Why is it that the yellow parking permits have gone from $49 to $75 this year???? This is such rubbish and is a huge rip off! why cant they just keep it cheap so people can actually afford it, instead of risking getting a fine!
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    Newbie book buyer

    everyone will be thinking the same as you.... When you actually get there, you wont get into the bookstore for the first couple of weeks cos it is so packed! Its best to get your books early, although some people go all year without them. You can loan them from the library, but you wait for...
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    I did bio 2 equivalent (biodiversity). It didnt involve that much math. I can help you if you want thru email if you ever need it...Im in training to be a secondary math teacher.
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    Basic Maths Skills Test

    seriously....stats is like nutrl grain. You only get out what you put in. I did stats for science...Loved it! got an HD (just) and seriously, if ur so mathematically inclined, why dont you just do a math degree? why are you doing business? you will get a very in depth look at calculus by doing...
  10. S

    UWS Connect Books

    spose what subjects you do whether or not you get a saving...Science doesnt have much of a saving, Programming fundamentals is about$20 - $30 more than last year! co-op website was much easier to navigate, also had more search options, you cant search by subject name on connect books.
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    Basic Maths Skills Test

    its basic math for a reason. It would be considered cheating as it is meant to be a measure of how good you are at math. If you got a band 6, you shouldnt be too worried bout it. Its probably been introduced because too many people are doing the unit and failing because they are not good at math.
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    Calls to move Australia Day

    It is surprising, I have no care for native american tribes, but i know of tharawal and i think it is darawhal also....both local to me. I have no problem with aboriginals, I just wonder how everyone can sit and criticize these people, without them or white australians we would not have the...
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    Official UWS Student List 2009

    Don't stress. If you go to the unit search on the UWS website, type in bio 1, it says there that it is offered in autumn 2009 internally and externally. The normal one is the last option of the three. External just means that you dont attend lectures and tutes every week, but you may need to go...
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    Official UWS Student List 2009

    B Science (Mathematics) / M Teach At Campbelltown 2nd year.:wave:
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    timetable for UWS

    Just do your timetable as you would if you had already selected what tutes and lectures you will attend. If you dont get into the tutes you want, just rearrange the timetable accordingly.
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    Photography and Vis Arts

    Could anyone recommend a school that offers both these subjects at HSC level (Yr 11 - 12) in outer south or west sydney? It's for my sister and the DET website isnt helpful. If anyone could recommend a school from penrith to wollongong that would be easy to get into that would be great. Cheers.
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    UWS Connect Books

    All text lists are released at the same time, they go by subject, not by year status. don't fret though!
  18. S

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    I believe it depends on where your school is located. south west sydney students (Elizabeth Mac, Mt Annan, ambarvale, etc) hardly anyone actually gets into uni because of the low UAI's. go to Ryde, everyone gets 80's UAI for doing nothing. Its totally school and area ranking. why else would a...
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    Favourite brand of shoes?

    definately Christian Louboutins! those red soled beauties are adorable!
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    UWS Connect Books

    I don't know how many times the bookstore is going to delay and put off the text lists on the internet. Has anyone else noticed that they have put the date from the 5th to the 12th then to the 19th and now today to the 26th (which is a public holiday, so dont bet on it coming out). I'm going...