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  1. tehrobzorz

    learning to play the piano

    don't listen to oddish! I started when I was 16 and I think if you REALLY REALLY LIKE THE PIANO, you will be able to learn it just fine! lessons are normally $25/30-45 mins and thats all you need really! pick up some easy sheet music around the web and you're good to go (Y)
  2. tehrobzorz

    Commerce (International)

    righto, thanks aro! mmm usyd used to have the compulsory exchange bit as part of their com.lib degree...but i dunno where it went >=(
  3. tehrobzorz

    Commerce (International)

    so shox, did we're you already semi/fluent in french before you started learning it at university? like did you do it as a HSC course as well? Im actually very very interested in this degree, cause it seems that usyd has changed theirs ..which has made me contemplate going to UNSW haha =X
  4. tehrobzorz

    points of inflexion and horizontal p.o.i

    although it seems the 3rd derivative sounds relatively good... can't imagine using the chain rule more than once....let alone quotient rule =X
  5. tehrobzorz

    Mths Ext.2 Class of 2010

    Terry Lee, Cambridge, Foundations of 4 Unit ( SK Patel.. the good non excel one =D ), Some of fitzpatrick and some of Coroneos, all 100 or so past papers (Y) Our school is starting with CONICS D= D= D= D= .. but its not too bad i suppose... We're halfway through it.. Started last week...3...
  6. tehrobzorz

    Fitzpatrick - is it really that bad?

    terry lee is just like a summary book...worked solutions are good but skips some steps sometimes school uses cambridge
  7. tehrobzorz

    Philosophy for the Beginner

    I currently attend USYD's Mind and Morality program, which i suppose directly answers your interest in the fields of metaphysics and ethics.. Ill give you the articles in our course reader that I think may be of interest: Keith Campbell - Reason and Responsibility 2002 Keith Maslin - An...
  8. tehrobzorz

    Future Plans (UAI/Uni/Tafe/Job)

    Re: What UAI&Course are you aiming for? B.A ( Philosophy ) / B.Com/B.Eco (Combined)... B.Com(Liberal Studies)(Major in Economics and Phil) B.Com/B.Eco... all @ USYD... which just a note... there aren't that many people here going for USYD...=O why is that?
  9. tehrobzorz

    dude I am going for the exact same pattern of study at university! let me know if you make it...

    dude I am going for the exact same pattern of study at university! let me know if you make it yeh? maybe if it was all you expected it to be =D
  10. tehrobzorz

    Inverse trig integration

    also simply when there is a fraction involving squares like 1/(x^2+a^2)^3 dx or when you need to rationalise like sqrt[(5-x)/(x-1)] dx but usually it involves a square root. BUT! becareful cause ive come across questions where you think you need to complete the square and then trig sub...
  11. tehrobzorz

    extension 2 math

    the guy being a gun at maths should also give you a high aligned mark, assuming he gets the highest in the HSC and assuming you're going to be 2nd to him, otherwise, Unless you LOVE, and I mean, absolutely get a kick out of solving problems in maths, then really, extension 2 probably isn't...
  12. tehrobzorz

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    +1 maybe a fresher looking UI.... bit more............. brighter =X *shrug*
  13. tehrobzorz

    Are there English Advanced students who do not enjoy English?

    no one really likes english at my school ... I think its because its a rather subjective subject, links to poor marks, and just makes us struggle to truly understand what in the world the point of something is...
  14. tehrobzorz


    draw up a timetable like your school periods and work with that, say 30minutes of x,y,z subjects today, then 30mins of p,q,r tomorrow.. rotate across 6 days .. thats what I would do, if i could.. *shrug* im still not doing homework.. year 11/senior school still hasn't "hit" me yet xD
  15. tehrobzorz

    If you are in year 11, read this first.

    at least hes giving some form of "study hard" advice.. =X
  16. tehrobzorz

    Curve sketching

    what do you mean by looop? like a circle?
  17. tehrobzorz

    Reduction Formulae Questions

    thanks for noticing funkynight! but, i already knew about IBP. I wasn't sure if taking away the term a^2 was a systematic approach to most reduction questions and how he made it to the power of -n. =X
  18. tehrobzorz

    haha yes indeedy ^^"...

    haha yes indeedy ^^"...
  19. tehrobzorz

    Reduction Formulae Questions

    okay! thanks everyone! =X
  20. tehrobzorz

    Reduction Formulae Questions

    mmk ..cheers! so on a scale of 1-10.. what difficulty was it for you? 0_0" reductions involving trig seems a whole lot easier to me X_X I dont get steps 2-3 though.. like is that the systematic way to simplify into terms of In? =X