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  1. Moenique

    Share your 2009 ATAR here

    Atar: 92.00 Aimed for 93 hahaha. Still really happy though. Just missed out on psychology!
  2. Moenique

    backstabbing so called friends

    ur jst gealuz of me hay megan? ur such a backstabba!
  3. Moenique


    Fck haha, that Asian seriously can't act. Not that many others on that show can either. BUT I do think how they have treated the last few storylines have been pretty good. I want to watch it again.
  4. Moenique

    closest uv had to celebzz?

    Since when is she considered a celebrity?
  5. Moenique

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    Oh my, you're a liar. You said you were going. Girls don't like liars.
  6. Moenique

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    cuz hiz desperate 4 luv meg kay? ur mah soulm8. :shy: I've wasted so much time reading all this.
  7. Moenique

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    O-M-G. He has a good sense of humour. Deffs the man for me.
  8. Moenique

    CONFUSED! help needed

    i think i luv u
  9. Moenique

    is geten in HARD!!!!!!!!!

  10. Moenique

    My Sister's Keeper

    Why won't they be the same? The ending is the best. Um, not too sure about seeing the movie because I love the book so much. Read it before you see the movie so we can bitch about whether the book or movie was better and what not.
  11. Moenique

    Favourite Movies.

    The Hangover is now my fav movie of all time. Holy shit it is funny. The others go something like this: Goodbye Lenin! Donnie Darko Garden State Mr. Woodcock Snatch Ferris Bueller's Day Off The Shining Hot Rod The Ladies Man Lost in Translation and others.
  12. Moenique

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you before dear master :shy: I'm happy that we're on good terms again.
  13. Moenique

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    I'll get back to you. I don't have any good dark chocolate in the pantry :( What would you like for breakfast? The usual bacon and eggs?
  14. Moenique

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    Okay, truce? Do you like brownies? I can bake those pretty well.
  15. Moenique

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    Hahaha, that was funny.
  16. Moenique

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    Ha no. I don't feel stupid. By making that comment I was saying that by feeling the pain, I understood what I was doing to my body and don't regret such a thing. I don't bake no muffin for fuckers like you. For anyone actually :)
  17. Moenique

    Do you look older than you really are?

    Pretty sure that's what they just said. I was told that I've looked 18 since I was 15. Now I'm asked if I'm 20. Not cool :(
  18. Moenique

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    You are an absolute moron. Are you saying that before reading this thread I didn't know what an earring was? I do believe I was sitting in the chair with earring guns on each side of my head when this all happened. I felt the pain, I KNOW I PUT METAL IN MY EARS. I love huge bitches of...
  19. Moenique

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    Agree. I always wear earrings. Makes me feel more feminine. Yes, facial is disgusting.
  20. Moenique

    Most Embarrasing Artist On Your Ipod

    Aw c'mon man :( I love that song haha. Was looking through my I-pod again: Will Smith - Boom! Shake the Room :confused: Dear Lord haha.