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  1. L

    An Interesting question that yet lies unanswered

    hmm... does it work if a=10^66, b=2(10^66), c=3(10^66) and d=4(10^66) A friend is telling me that I'm close but wrong. Can you verify either his or my statement? Appreciate it :)
  2. L

    An Interesting question that yet lies unanswered

    I forgot to mention, they must be positive integers (as far as I remember). Is it posible to find one combination of numbers? If so, could you show me how?
  3. L

    An Interesting question that yet lies unanswered

    We were given an interesting question the other day a^3+b^3+c^3+d^3=100^100 Find a, b, c and d. I have wrestled a bit with it and have only managed to come up with something really general like d=-(a^3+b^3+c^3-10^200)^1/3. This may be a famous question and may already have been...
  4. L

    Help with graphing y=x f(x)

    Thanks Guys. I think I understand it now and I'm starting to get a feel for it (with a few hours practice). I still struggle a bit with the very complicated ones, as is probably to be expected.
  5. L

    Help with graphing y=x f(x)

    When you say, multiply the ordinates, what exactly do you mean?
  6. L

    Help with graphing y=x f(x)

    People say you need to get a feel for scetching y=x f(x). I was just wondering if you guys would be so kind as to helping me on my way. A step by step guide or just a tip would be much appreciated. Thanx in Advance