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  1. M

    Qn to the modern day Muslim youth...

    Why can't empowerment be wearing the hijab? There are women out there who have chosen to wear the hijab out of modesty and for the want to follow their religion properly. Not because they are naive or ignorant. It's just the stigma that you and many others have attached to the wearing of the...
  2. M

    Qn to the modern day Muslim youth...

    Personally, I don't think a line exists. It will always be subjective to each individual.
  3. M

    Qn to the modern day Muslim youth...

    & i think the issue about being conservative is about different interpretations of the term 'modest'. go to an extremist Islamic society & modesty is wearing the burqa. Western society considers the burqa oppression, not modesty.
  4. M

    Qn to the modern day Muslim youth...

    burka no. never. hijab yeah, i'd wear it of my own free will. don't know when though.
  5. M

    HSC Timetable 2010

    business is on the 14th of october
  6. M

    HSC Timetable 2010

    i finish on the 25th of october. 3 days before my birthday!
  7. M

    HSC Timetable 2010

    legal please? :)
  8. M

    is there ANY way to get rid of frizzy hair ?

    if your willing to spend give the Keratin Treatment a shot :)
  9. M

    Motivational stories for HSC 2010

    i love this thread :)
  10. M

    Girl Image issues, and what to say.

    as sad as it is.. i think your totally right!
  11. M

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    brownish high wasted skirt from forecast real cute :)