Haha im in the same possition
im thinking of not doing notes as notes dont help with knowing how to answer the question- if you get what i mean?
i actually dont know what i am going to do :S
Oh so its been done before?
Believe it or not it was just that, he just yelled and maybe swore too :S but they (the school that is) say the chances of expellsion are really high.
I didnt think you could expel someone this close til the HSC.
The other day at school a friend of mine got suspended, and being a private school and depending on his luck he may even be expelled.
Being this far into the HSC is a school even allowed to expel a student at this point of time?
I think its ridiculous if they do.
Just say they do, is there...
A friend of mine is failing business studies, i think its the fact she cant grasp the concepts properly. Is there a book any of you can suggest that might be able to help with that.
Thanks in advance
haha youv got no idea. im in the exactly the same position!
i gave up all hope which was a crappy idea coz then i screwed up in my economics assignment- it was worth 20%! :| that made me demotivated even more
haha today i was in the verge of tears- i thought that was it. esp. getting the hsc...