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    Premier's Award... Is it true?

    Just wonder , if you do 90 in 10 units, but not in english can you still get a premier's award?
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    How can you get your English Examiner to "like" your essay?

    english is such bullshit they pick such random marks and why is it compolsory???
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    to drop chemistry or not...

    yeah depends how your going in the other subjects if your doing well its not an issue doing 12 units
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    Is the HSC just a "memory game"?

    depends on the subject thinks like Ext2 math, you can't just rember things you have to understand and be able to do stuff
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    Smoking a turn off?

    smoking is just stupid you know its killing you so why do it and it stinks
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    Swine Flu and the HSC!!!!!

    lol i really don't think its gonna happen
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    Is chemisty freaking awesome?

    physics > chem > bio
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    I love to KISS

    they go alright as a reference but aren't the best
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    Dylan Moran

    dylan moran is a genius and black books is hilarious
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    learning syllabus good idea?

    i don't think that you need to know what the syllabus says but its a good idea to ensure you could answer a question about each dot point
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    what if you crash a HUGE test?

    lol good plan