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  1. bspontaneous

    wants to drop, but what to pick up? :(

    not so well. it was like 45% maths is out of the question but for jap im ranking 9 out of 15 so that's not so good either. :(
  2. bspontaneous

    wants to drop, but what to pick up? :(

    i meant for next year now: adv english japanese cont maths ext1 computing applications textiles french cont
  3. bspontaneous

    wants to drop, but what to pick up? :(

    I'm doing French Cont by correspondence and it's doing my head in - not to mention, I'm really behind. If I drop, I'll only have 9 units, what to take on?? Japanese Ext1 or Maths Ext2 I don't think I'm strong enough for maths ext2 or jap ext1 or french cont. I don't know what to do :(