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  1. F

    ECON2112 Game Theory & Business Strategy

    Anyone have a copy of the 2009 final exam for this course? Unlikely, but worth a shot. Thanks heaps if anyone comes through with the goods!
  2. F

    New course structure or old?

    Old. It's always the structure that was in place the year you commenced your program.
  3. F


    Good to see you're already keen, but my advice would be not to bother. If you've done Economics or Business Studies at HSC level, or even Commerce at a SC level then you'll be way ahead of where you need to be. If you've done none of that, you'll still be ahead of where first year courses assume...
  4. F

    decisions decisions

    Commerce has the same QMA subject. It's honestly not that mathematical. What are you hoping to major in? If your maths is really that poor then that would rule out a number of Commerce majors like Finance and Actuarial Studies, amongst others - something to consider. Put what you really...
  5. F

    Is it too late to apply for housing at the Kensington Colleges?

    I know people at some colleges who didn't get interviewed until February this year and still made it in before term started in March. It's definitely not too late to apply for second semester. No worries at all.
  6. F

    Transferring courses

    Quite good. If you can maintain a distinction average over your first year I can't see that you'd have any major difficulty applying for an internal transfer. I believe they consider a combination your WAM (weighted average mark) and your ATAR when deciding whether to permit the transfer. At...
  7. F

    about actuarial as a major in commerce

    You just need to pass MATH1151 to be able to enrol in the first actuarial course, ACTL1001, in semester two of your first year. If you can't get a credit (65 minimum) in ACTL1001 then it's suggested that you'll struggle with the actuarial major. However, to continue with the major, you just need...
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    Second Year ECON/FINS courses

    I actually really enjoyed Micro 2. But you're right, if someone doesn't find it intuitive then they're going to struggle.
  9. F

    Commerce/eco combined degree

    2101 was very mathematical. It involved a lot of (simple) differentiation, probably comparable to Extension 1 level (or maybe a bit easier) HSC mathematics. There was a lot of optimisation, typically involving finding a line tangent to a curve and such. 2102 had a bit of maths too, but it was...
  10. F

    Commerce/eco combined degree

    As a major, Economics is just more general than Econometrics. You're less restricted in what courses you can choose and still be awarded the major. The four core courses of Economics (ECON2101, 2102, 2206 and 2207) are all core for Econometrics as well. Then you also have 2215 and 3203 for...
  11. F

    What is a good double degree for Actuarial Studies?

    I do Commerce (Actuarial, Finance) doubled with Economics (Economics) and it goes pretty good. I was considering Commerce (Actuarial, Finance)/Science (Maths) but the maths seemed pretty hectic and I found I really enjoyed Economics anyway.
  12. F

    What exactly is pass conceded ?

    I did this course this semester. I got 66, with my next lowest mark being 75. People went poorly in my opinion because of how Henry Yip structured the assessments. 80% of the course is assessed by bullshit multiple choice questions which are something like: Question (choose the most correct...
  13. F

    Commerce/eco combined degree

    I do it, and enjoy it.
  14. F

    Second Year ECON/FINS courses

    Me too. Macro II was easy because it was poorly tested. You'll find most of the assessment to be easy multiple choice questions, which are then repeated word-for-word in later assessments. For instance we had five 5% quizes throughout the semester, and our 15% midsession and 60% final both...
  15. F

    Computing courses for Actuarial

    In the ACTL1001 WebCT Vista files, a document was put up encouraging students to undertake a relevant computing subject as a General Education course to complement their studies in Actuarial. I was just wondering if there were any recommendations or suggestions as to which computing subjects...
  16. F

    General Education requirements

    Absolutely no need to have done FINS1612 before FINS1613. I did them simultaneously, but my friend did 1613 without having 1612 and didn't have any worries whatsoever.
  17. F

    A question?

  18. F

    FINS2624 - What the fuck

    I'm doing it now, and it's quite similar to 1613, which I did last semester. Very mathematical. Not really that similar to 1612 (thankfully). Involves a lot of bond pricing, evaluating risk/return, you'll encounter CAPM again, as well as new stuff on portfolio theory (ranking porfolios) and...
  19. F

    UNSW Blackboard

    It's the system I used at Newcastle last year (I transferred to UNSW this year). I can't seem to log in, I guess because I'm not undertaking one of those particular 18 courses this semester. All of these elearning applications tend to be very similar in my experience, although I certainly...
  20. F

    FINS2624 Textbook

    I'll be taking this course this semester as well, and I don't think I'll be purchasing Investments if it's not prescribed. Last semester, even the prescribed texts seemed a huge waste of money (FINS1612, 1613, and ECON2101, 2206). And personally I think it's a load of crap that Yip can...