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  1. R

    Probability Question

    Lets brute force this and see how many combinations we have... Grp 1: Gr, A, F Grp 2: H, Ge, L, B Grp 3: C, D, T Combinations: 1. Gr, H, C 2. Gr, H, D 3. Gr, H, T 4. Gr, Ge, C 5. Gr, Ge, D 6. Gr, Ge, T 7. Gr, L, C 8. Gr, L, D 9. Gr, L, T 10. Gr, B, C 11. Gr, B, D 12. Gr, B...
  2. R

    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    Alrighty, thanks for your input! I will consider it. And yes, Usyd does offer an MCom (Quant Finance) major. Currently leaning towards university of sydney, but I'm having a hard time justifying why :P
  3. R

    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    What about the University of Sydney tho? The reason I'm asking is cuz I don't wanna get tricked into signing up again for a less prestigious university just because they are the "only true" degree in that field like I've done for my bachelor degree only to find out later that the lecturers were...
  4. R

    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    I'll be honest, I'm not really looking at UTS atm since it's not one of the top universities around. I am willing to be swayed if you have a good argument tho...
  5. R

    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    Hey guys, So I've narrowed my choices down to Financial Mathematics @ UNSW and Quantitative Finance @ University of Sydney. I guess my question really is, which of the two is a better choice? I'm leaning more towards the University of Sydney as they're number 2/3 in Australia... but ultimately...
  6. R

    what exactly is econometrics?

    In math-speak, Econometrics is a subset of Statistics. The difference being that Statistics covers a wider scope, and Econometrics only a small subsection. Econometricians like to market themselves as being statisticians who use data that is sourced from real world data (e.g. macroeconomic...
  7. R

    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    I'm actually considering a PhD in financial econometrics or quantitative finance. Financial mathematics sounds interesting... I'll look up more on it. Cheers~
  8. R

    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    Thanks for the link Ben :)! I understand that a Maths PhD would be better, but I guess whilst I enjoy more complex maths, my interest still lies in applying maths in financial models. If anything, I'd consider a PhD in Stats more interesting than Maths, but at the end of the day, I'd still...
  9. R

    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    Yeah, I've had people say the same thing about PhDs being for academics only. My view remains that research will be beneficial regardless and I might as well do it before I hit the workforce. Yeh, from what I gather, there's a masters in coursework (a normal masters) and a masters in research...
  10. R

    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    So I have completed a BSc (Actuarial Science) degree and got sick of anything actuarial. I managed to get accepted into an honours program in finance this year (finishing in november 2009), and so far I'm enjoying it. I'm thinking of heading off next year to do a Masters in Finance or a MPhil...