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    Climate change Silver linning

    No more pommy tourists as their weather improves. Europe becomes even nicer, less snow in Winter.
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    Should we reintroduce the cane in schools?

    I was smacked as a child using something like a cane by my dad, I love him to bits but there is resentment and no it didn't work in disciplining me at all. In fact, I developed a habit of fighting him with a similar object if I knew the 'cane' was coming :D
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    Should Muslim Holidays be recognised in Australia?

    No new religious holidays and businesses should have the right to trade on existing religious holidays but must pay the appropriate penalty rates to all staff who may opt out.
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    Prisoners and voting...

    Well considering the fact that you can be jailed for driving whilst disqualified without having caused any ACTUAL harm, you have merely disobeyed a punitive measure for whatever infraction you committed in the first place, you argument that jail automatically equals severe criminality is thrown...
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    Ownership of our bodies

    We own our bodies and yes, so do women and anything that relies on her body to survive.
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    Euthanasia for Life Prisoners

    If they want to off themselves, let them.
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    Toolies '09!!!

    I missed out on Schoolies back in my day, so if I came now, does that mean I'm a Toolie? :p
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    To do list: merge with New Zealand?

    Never! I want some place nice and peaceful that will remain unspoiled by the Australian way of government and politics especially our American style fear and hysteria. Actually, I say we become the 51st state, that way at least we will have a constitutional right to guns, get a bill of...
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    The Return to Fault-Based Divorce

    It takes two to make a relationship work, if one wants out, the other has no choice but to let him/her leave. How does this socially ruin the other partner?
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    Should conscription be re-introduced in 21st Century Australia?

    Well you mean that it is SUPPOSED to be a liberal democracy.
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    The Return to Fault-Based Divorce

    So offer two kinds of marriage? Marriage 'Lite' and Marriage 'Full Version' ? There is no point to a fault based system besides as a limiter on who gets what and how much. Divorces are messy enough as they are and traumatic for both parties as well as the children and two unhappy parents...
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    How do I know if he's gay?

    *Groundskeeper Willy* It's not a skirt boy! It's a KILT! I'll throw haggis at you!'
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    Why do asian girls love ABC guys but asian guys don't love ABC girls as much?

    ABC girls tend to be sluts (the attractive ones anyway) So what's not to like? :rofl: ABC guys being Australian with Asian values? That means they're Asian not Australian. What defines a person's culture is not where they're born, but what they actually believe in as well as practice.
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    Why do asian girls love ABC guys but asian guys don't love ABC girls as much?

    Ah but they had to have the baseline beauty to become celebrities in the first place. So you have ugly and pretty people in all races, but it is just my observation that there tends to be more ugly Asians than there are attractive ones. Given the fact that the Chinese population (as an example)...
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    Should conscription be re-introduced in 21st Century Australia?

    I believe that kids today would benefit from a bit of military training to put things into perspective as well as to learn important social and decision making skills. That is what the Army Gap Year program is for and it should never become compulsory.
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    selling police stations

    Well you SERVE in the military don't you? Also, the military deserves the title of 'Force' as it is there to deal with external threats, not domestic law enforcement. And no you don't need to be a libertarian to point that out. :headbang:
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    Animal cruelty is the same as racism.

    Animal Cruelty is FAR FAR worse than racism. That said, I'm also full blooded carnivore. Just don't be mean to kittens and puppies ok?
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    Why do asian girls love ABC guys but asian guys don't love ABC girls as much?

    Tell that to their native born full blood celebrities... They're not ugly. But I suppose it is a question of ratios and proportions. A higher proportion of those born or raised here tend to 'look' better in your mind then? Or are the wealthier ones with better genes (smarter and perhaps...
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    Why do asian girls love ABC guys but asian guys don't love ABC girls as much?

    What he said I was at the QVB having a bit of lunch the other day and there was this FOB in tight jeans, ugly cardigan and black Haviannas (sp?) with thick black rimmed glasses. Not sure if he had an 'I love OZ!' item on him.