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  1. oliviaclaire

    Who has read Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events?

    they're apparently making another one...but it's in animation or something.
  2. oliviaclaire

    Hey, you said that you needed advice on dropping maths. I had an appointment with a teacher at...

    Hey, you said that you needed advice on dropping maths. I had an appointment with a teacher at school and she did an ATAR estimate calculation thing and I could get the mark I need without maths as long as I am getting a Band 6 in every other subject- if I got the minimum mark for a Band 6 in...
  3. oliviaclaire

    To drop or not to drop...

    Well, nice to know I'm not alone! I have an appointment with a teacher who is in charge of subject management and stuff next week so I guess I'll find out what she says. She's going to do a ATAR estimation calculation thing and give me some advice.
  4. oliviaclaire

    To drop or not to drop...

    Yes, I'm picking up History Extension and English Extension 2.
  5. oliviaclaire

    To drop or not to drop...

    Thanks for your advice and opinions, it has really helped!
  6. oliviaclaire

    Most annoying book of all time

    Oh, sorry. Must be a common thought then. Was that Stephen King?
  7. oliviaclaire

    Most annoying book of all time

    Twilight. No question about it :] I have never read a worse piece of drivel in my entire life. Damnit Meyer, give your characters FLAWS! Make them INTERESTING so I actually give a damn about what happens to them!
  8. oliviaclaire

    Who has read Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events?

    I've read them and I used to love them...until I read the last book. It was good but it didn't explain anything! And I HATED how Snicket had to define every single word...that got really irritating! I KNOW what the word means! But the plots were wild and quirky (if a little far-fetched) and...
  9. oliviaclaire

    Didn't Do Maths!

    I wouldn't worry, as long as you are doing well in other subjects. If you're worried about UAI/ATAR, I knew someone who didn't do Maths at all and did reasonably well in her other subjects and her UAI was 89 (this is pre-ATAR). But I would look at which course you want to do and the assumed...
  10. oliviaclaire

    Subject Scaling

    I would keep English Extension because I love it...but I don't do Economics so I could be slightly biased here...but from memory, English Extension scales higher. Time to find the 2008 scaling list I where did I put it...
  11. oliviaclaire

    Legal Studies or Business Studies?

    Preliminary legal studies can be a bit dry but it gets MUCH more interesting! I love it! Would definitely recommend it!
  12. oliviaclaire

    Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince

    Really? I love the first books! Although, if I have to read one, I have to read the whole series...I find it weird to just read one... Mind you, I said nothing about which order I read them in...anyone else just read the books in the order you felt like? or is it just me...
  13. oliviaclaire

    Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince

    It's still absolutely great but I liked the others more. Mind you, there's only a marginal difference between my favourite and my least favourite... Deathly Hallows was just awesome :]
  14. oliviaclaire

    To drop or not to drop...

    Yea, that's what I was thinking. I just wanted some extra information before I talk to my teachers at school. Thanks!
  15. oliviaclaire

    To drop or not to drop...

    I am in Year 11 and I am starting to think about which subject I should drop (apart from Earth and Environmental Science). I really want to drop Maths completely even though I am in Mathematics (or 2-Unit as some people call it) but I want to know if it will affect my ATAR/UAI and some outsider...
  16. oliviaclaire

    Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince

    It is my least favourite book out of the series but it was one of the best movies so far! LOVED Ron's one liners!