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    build your own pc

    First, nice Whirlpool references ;) Second, I think when going to Fluidtek Eddy being unreasonable is the last of your concerns. I'd be more concerned about getting lung cancer from second hand smoke.
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    Post your desktop screenshot.

    Oh god. My eyes...
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    Holy Mother Of All Internet Browsers

    I've been using Midori for a while (running on Debian). I thought I'd give it a chance being fairly new to the web browsing market.
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    Failed computer modification :(

    Nvidia cards? Nothing of value was lost. Lucky you didn't try installing a Fermi. You would have started a house fire.
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    Hacks for Mac?

    They are the enemy of our freedom.
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    Swearing in short story

    I disagree. The context of the character reflects the way they speak. So for example, if the character you are writing about is a violent criminal, it would be more effective to have their dialogue consist of a fair bit of cussing. In fact, you'd expect that from a person with a violent...
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    creative writing

    Sounds like a decent idea, but how do you plan to finish it? For belonging I do the same idea in every single creative piece I do. Always get full marks so I won't stop now.
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    What were Muse thinking?

    It's a good album. But shit for a Muse album.
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    Internet Speed

    Not too bad. Wish my upload was higher. My private trackers are hating me for that :(
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    how many people are doing history extension in your school?

    We have 6, and we all are taking it seriously.
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    All history extensioners!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mine is also due tomorrow :( My question revolves around Hannibal and his role in the fall of Carthage.
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    To people wanting to do this next year!!!

    Stallion: The thing is I love the subject, but my teacher has never taught it before and has actually said to us "I'm learning with you guys". So basically he isn't a certified SDD teacher. It's possible he won't be taking us next year and we will get a teacher who has actually taught the course...
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    To people wanting to do this next year!!!

    You should have told me this last year. :( All I do in the class is type out essays for other subjects, and when the time comes I quickly do the assignment given to me. Since my teacher likes me he gives me top marks but when the exams come I will die.