school rank: high 50s - mid 60s
hypothetically if these were my marks for 16th december results:
eco's : 77
maths: 70
RE: 43/50
english: 87
phys: 74
eng ext 1: 36/50
would this surpass 83 ATAR?
wtf? [bump]. are you sure??? cause my careers guidance guy said like 82/83 ish...
i think my school ranks in like the 60s/70s last year. but in the past years irs between 45-60.
can you re-evaluate it please?
if you guys could give me a quick estimate. These are my rankings after trials.
also have a question: is it still possible to get into the 90s ? if yes, how hard will it have to be. if no, what can i possibly get if i gun my HSC exams.
school rank: 40s
studies of religion 1: 9/70