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  1. H

    hi, i know your doing med right now, so i wanted to ask you if i had ANY chance of getting an...

    hi, i know your doing med right now, so i wanted to ask you if i had ANY chance of getting an interview with ANY uni with a predicted atar of 98 and a umat score of 47 =/ yeah i know.. crap umat =|
  2. H

    medsci path into unsw med

    hey guys, can anyone who has actually gained entry into med through the medsci path (unsw) give us more insight about the whole thing? What marks (gpa, umat, etc) did you need? How was the competition?
  3. H

    reapplying for med

    hi guys, i didnt do very well in umat, and thus i have now shifted my attention to gaining entry into med next year. i was wondering whether it was any good in doing a double degree (comm/sci) and trying to apply for med, or is it harder because of two gpa's and how you need a minimum of 5 or...
  4. H

    law without legal studies

    Hi guys, just wanted to ask if it was possible to do law without having done legal studies in year 11/12? Will there be a serious disadvantage?