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    Hamlet - loyalty WTF???

    the question was okay i managed o incoporate my readings of corruption and melancholy by stating that there was corruption because of disloyalty(claudius) and that hamlet was melancholic and troubled because of his mothers disloyalty to his father because she married claudius.
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    SOR I - Section 3! YOUR THOUGHTS

    section was terrible i did Islam and so i spoke about the revelation of the Quran in terms of the revelation of the Quran then i wrote about the guidelines given about bioethics and funeral ceremonies........
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    how do you compare letters to alice and pride aqnd prejudice?

    where do i begin....seriuosly mate you have issues. If you think due to the fact that Austen writes about issues that occured during HER TIME she has issues then you do. She's not writing about issues that take place in your life today hence the whole point of this module, different contexts...
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    Ted Hughes essay help

    you talk about the techniques composers use to portray an event, personality or situation and you then use other texts and compare how they both describe the same situation and how their perspectives vary on the same event, situation or personality.
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    P&P and Letters To Alice

    sorry i disagree why is it fine for sexist comments to be directed towards women but as soon as they come near men your pride is wounded. have you never thought that maybe some of things she said are right. Personally i very much like the arguments that Weldon puts forward as they seem very true...
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    Ethical issues in Pompeii

    with ethical issues its from section 3 in the syllabus and there is a one in three chance of getting it asked and it's usually a ten mrk question.:music: