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    I'm applying with the school of molecular bioscience, and it seems to be the same in other sciences. Talk to supervisors in semester 2 the year before you intend to start honours. Most people wait for the honours info sessions (september-ish) and then contact them, but if you can contact anyone...
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    I think that's quite varied based on the project you applied for, as I'm certainly not on a HD average, perhaps the one I applied for was less popular. As for marks, I think it depends on the faculty, I know there are some that if you're the first to express interest, you're basically in, others...
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    Thank you! Depending on what year of uni you're in this year, you might be able to apply next year, as I think they give some preference if you've applied before. I applied last year and was unsuccessful. And i think showing interest in a research career in your cover letter is helpful. Also...
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    Yes it was! I honestly didn't expect it to be, but I'm so glad it was :D
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    I'm applying for honours to start next year, and this semester I've just gradually met with a few different supervisors to get a better idea of their project and what it'd be like working with them. I'm putting down more than one preference as some labs are quite popular. As for the summer...
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    Cityrail travel ticket problem

    You should be fine, I always get a monthly to the City and get off at Redfern, and i've never had any problem :)
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    Subject Selections 2014

    Sem 1 BCHM3071 BCHM3081 PCOL3011 PCOL3012 Hoping for a slightly better timetable this year..
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    CHEM1001 or CHEM1101?

    I'd strongly suggest CHEM1101 (the normal/regular one), the scaling will be better than in fundamentals. Personally I found that chem1101 wasn't too difficult as long as you kept on top of everything, i don't think that having done general maths will disadvantage you! Good Luck!
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    When does honours usually begin?

    Thanks! Hopefully I'll get in!
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    When does honours usually begin?

    I'm thinking of doing honours in either pharmacology or biochemistry in 2015, but i may be going on a holiday and wanted to know when i'd have to be back. I read in the faculty of science honours handbook that it starts early Feb, but not an exact date, so I was wondering in past years (or this...
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    Anyone studying Medical Science doing Physics in 1st sem and Psychology in 2nd sem?

    Re: Anyone studying Medical Science doing Physics in 1st sem and Psychology in 2nd se I did regular physics in first sem and psyc in second sem and had no problems, most people do pysch in both semesters, but they have separate topics so you won't have any problems, some of the terminology...
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    Do I really need to buy these textbooks?

    You should defiinitely buy the biol1003 textbook since you'll need it for HBOnline, Math1002 is pretty useful too since it has examples which are helpful for study
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    Timetable problems

    When walking into uni from redfern what's the shortest way to get to Bosch? And to get from Bosch to eastern ave is the fastest way along physics road and between chem/masden? It was so much simpler last sem when I was always around eastern ave and occasionally wallace
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    Usyd's timetables are out

    It's the first year labs, when you walk into the chem building turn left and down to the labs, there are 4 labs there and you'll alternate between them all in different weeks but they're all connected. Once you get there you'll be told where to go as usually one lab is for fundies or advanced...
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    medical science questions :)

    1 - you should be fine with regular, I got similar marks to you - 46/50 in 3U and 95 in 2U and did fairly well in regular maths (credits and distinctions). As far as I know there isn't much scaling 2 - you major in 3rd year, but you might need to do certain subjects in second year for some...
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    2009 School Certificate Trials (Science)

    we had that test too, highest was 80, i got 73% haha i got 0 on the darus quuestion but i did really well in the decrystalisation one :) i thought the school certificate was waaaaayyyy easier though :)